Sunday, January 9

I Write Too Much

I feel really bad about something. I realize that I started this thing on a Saturday, so I'm used writing when ever I feel like. Now, I have school. So, I'm sorry to say to my five readers, I won't post three times a day.
I'll write about something else, now.

I had a good friend of mine over today, and we were playing Rockband 2. My friend usually sings on easy, and I usually play guitar on medium. We were on, "Tour Mode" and we got to  a "Venue" with the song, "That's What You Get" by Paramore, one of my favorite bands, and I flipped out. I screamed at my friend, "Give me the microphone! Now!" and I thrusted the guitar at her. Reluctantly, she handed me the mic, and I sang, "That's What You Get." We got our highest score ever. Over 120,000. I was so happy. I realized that simple pleasures are the best things life has to offer.
I wasn't planning on writing about life, but being slightly philisophical felt kinda good. I don't think I can write on Monday unless I write in the morning. Just in case I can't write in the morning, see you Tuesday, Whoever You Are.

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