Tuesday, February 22

Jake & Elwood

I'm a silly, indecisive girl, aren't I?
Yesterday, I changed my blog appearance about five times. I feel so incredibly fickle.

Time for a gender rant. 

I hate how this happens to my own sex. Girls/women are made to look insanely inferior. The stereotype is, all girls do is mess with their hair, spend time picking out clothes, and putting on make-up. Females worry about their appearance, make everything look pretty, over-think things, judge others, and talk about guys. If I were Queen of the Universe (scary thought, huh?), I would make some girls less critical, and make women more respected in all the movies in the world. There are some girls that I know that are completely the opposite of the stereotype, and they don't care about what they look like, and they don't care what others think about them. I guess it depends on the personality and the upbringing.

The young man stereotype isn't much better. It is as follows: Guys can be really self-centered, and don't think about things enough, sometimes. They can think that their friends and them are the coolest, and what they do is the best. A lot of the time, they are really REALLY care-free. 

Truthfully, I think guys have a few less apparent flaws than girls have, except for guys wanting to be "The Hero" all the time. As I mention on my Meet the Writer page, I have a bit more of a guy's personality, rather that of a girls. I try to access my inner male (because I know it's in there deep inside), so I can have a good balanced personality. The two genders by themselves are very different, but combining the personalities could have a good effect.

A lot of the time in shojo anime/manga, the main girl character will be annoying, obnoxious, rude, and hot-headed, and everyone seems to like her. Then all the guys will be really hot or really girly and 100% of the time, they end up with the main girl. It's all so cliche.

Shonen is usually the main guy is stupid (Naruto), and the supporting girl is a totally useless character that acts like she is really good at what she does even though they're not (Sakura), and the supporting guy is all emo kid syndrome and better than the main guy, which immediately makes them rivals (Sasuke). Unfortunately, that's how it works.

Bleach on the other hand, is a really different in a good way. The main guy has emotional problems (that's a given for most any main character), but is really smart (Ichigo). The supporting girls are either strong, and good at what they do (Rukia), or gentle, and train hard to help others (Orihime). The supporting guys are either ultra-smart with family and power problems (Uryu), tough with life issues (Chad), or just a flat out failure (Renji, even though he's a lieutenant. I mean, really. Has he ever won a fight? Ever?).

Let's take Death Note for an example. The three main characters (Light-male, L-male, and Misa-female) all have apparent talents. The first two have brain power, the third has an annoying abundance of charm. Most of the side characters are smart (Soichiro and Aizawa), ultra-smart (Near and Mello) or just used as toys my Light (every one else, but Matsuda). At any rate, the guys do all the work, and the girls sit around and obsess over how amazing Light is, even though he's a serial killer/murderer/punisher of criminals/Kira/destroyer of the world.

But I digress. Men are perceived to be above women, and now I see why. Girls are useless in most movie, and guys are always the hero. That's why I love The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. There is not a cliche page in the book. Plus, the main guy character is totally normal, and the fetured girl has the power the control the universe. That's what I call girl power.