Monday, January 10


So, I'm posting!
Yeah, I came home to my family watching the Oregon vs. Auburn game at 9:20. There's only about ten minutes left in the first half.

Y'know what I don't like? People. People belittle everything they don't like in any sort of way, just to get attention. I know a lot of kids at my school who are like and I quote, "GO BEARS!!! COLTS SUCK!!!" Happens all of the time. I'm not going to pull a, "Me Against the World," thing, because I do it, too. You suddenly feel really bad about what you said, and immediately apologize. You still know that the simple, "Sorry," wasn't enough. It hurts your heart. You feel terrible.
I hear my peers saying dumb stuff like, "He's such a fag!" "She's so fat!" Why? You ask me? I don't know. People say, "To make themselves feel better." I think they rely on the fact they are superior to the victim. The prey looks down at their feet, and think, "Why me?" It feels terrible, but it's just as hard to watch. I don't see it too much, but next time, I'm taking charge. Even if I don't know the kid.
Let's say, a cute guy at my school with a bad attitude, goes up to a slightly large girl. He begins to call her bad names and rude adjectives. Along with vulger language. In stead of looking down, and backing away slowly, I should go up to them, and say, "Dude, shut your face, leave the girl alone, and don't say anything to her again. Don't even look at her. You don't deserve to look at her beautiful face. You'll stain it with your eyes."
Okay... Maybe that's a bit of a stretch, but along those lines. It would feel good to stand up for someone every once in a while.

I challenge you, my ten readers, to stand up to, or up for someone or yourself. It might end up in your favor.

See you later.


  1. Haha!!! I will now take the "urface challenge!!!" tommorrow...after so stupid...alwase procrastinating all the time...and I'm lazy...I hate the word "procrastination" how many letters does it have? 1...2...3...4...5...ahhhh!!!counting hurts my brain!!!
