Tuesday, January 11

Day/ Today

So... Okay... Blogging!

Yeah, I don't really know what to write about today. I guess, I'll talk about my friends! I won't use their real names, of course, but it's fun to talk about them in my usual vague fashion. For your sake, I should probably number them. Heh... Friend #1 Friend #2. I'm sure they'd appreciate that, but they would only know what I say if they read this sad excuse for a blog. Yep. I'm pretty sure that I have about ten readers, at most. Including myself. Wow. That's pretty sad. Sad face...:(
 Oh yeah, my friends!
So, I have about two groups of friends. For the sake of the blog, I'll say group one, and group two.

Group One is the group of people I see most often. None of them are on my school bus, but I see them when we eat at lunch. There's only seven (including me). It's nice, because we know each other really well, and we can talk to everyone at the table, even if we sit at the end. I like all of them a lot. It's just girls, so no boy drama. Thank the lord there's no boy drama, otherwise I would fall into a deep, dark, depressing depression. Redundant.

Group Two is the group that I don't see as often. I don't have classes with all of them, and even though a select few are on my bus, I don't get to talk to them. I miss hanging out with them. A feeling of never-ending noise, laughter, and a sense of craziness drifts from the table. I would still be with them, but the table was overflowing with people. I decided to leave, so no people would have to be kicked out. It's an overall fun and bright atmosphere.

So, yeah... I don't think writing all of these long posts is too bad. It does take up a huge chunk of my time because I'm the slowest typer on the planet, but it's fun. I'll need writing practice for school. Killing two birds with one stone.
Not bad, huh?

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