Wednesday, January 19

Sad Face

AAAAaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!11 I'm so sorry! I didn't post yesterday!! ULTRA MEGA SAD FACE!!!!! Please tell me no one died because I didn't post.

Ooookay... That's a bit of a stretch... Sorry.

All I can think about is Naruto now. It's like, in social studies class, we're doing work in our Work Book, and I think, "I hated seeing Shikamaru cry at the end of volume 26..."
How 'bout this? I'll tell you people about Naruto, and you guys can tell me, "It sounds cool," or, "Shut up about that crap, you fuzzbag." Either one works!

Naruto is an anime, which means it was made in Japan. The story is, a giant Nine-tailed Fox spirit attacked the village of Konohagakure (Konoha). The monster was on a rampage and was destroying any and everything in its path. Only one person in the village was able to defeat the creature. The Fourth Hokage. The leader of Konoha. But still, he could not kill the demon. So, to save the village, he sealed the Fox into an infant, just born into the village. Naruto. Twelve years later, we find Naruto, now twelve years old, living in Konoha. Alone. The boy has no parents, no siblings, nothing. He's all by himself. To get attention from the villagers, he is a terrible trouble-maker trying to become a ninja. The ninja is the main occupation in the world. Ninja are respected and revered. Naruto wants to be the best, like the Fourth Hokage was. The Fourth Hokage has been dead since he sealed the fox into Naruto. The technique he used was powerful, but he could only use it at the cost of his own life. Now, Naruto bears a burden he is completely unaware of, and is hated by almost everyone in the village. The suffering and pain only makes him stronger, and it motivates him to be the best ninja in history.

Now THAT'S a SUMMARY!!! That's a really big paragraph! I'm sorry for you people who like things short, sweet and to the point. My bad. But I was on a roll typing that! I'm proud of myself. Now my fingers hurt a lot. I'll see you later, whoever you are.


  1. It sounds...interesting. Like, good interesting. But I'd have to hear more about it later. Possibly. If I'm not out on a date- WITH PAUL MCCARTNEY!

  2. Yea good luck with that beatlechick....I'm still not talking to u
