Saturday, January 15

What the HECK is Wrong With Me??

If you know the answer, please tell me. Comment. I don't care.

So..... Oh YEAH!!! One of my best friends ever just made a blog. Look at it at Her grammar and spelling aren't as good as mine, but that's just because she is a naturally awful bad speller and I'm naturally awesome good. No denying it. Sorry. I don't like those self-centered moments I pull.

Sorry I didn't really post. I had Youth Concert Orchestra rehearsal this morning, and had to be awake at 7:00. I'm still pretty tired. We're playing William Tell, and my part is really hard to play. F# and C# on the bassoon are not very fun. We're also playing Radetzki March (I'm too lazy and tired right now to check the music to see if I spelled that right). A real classic. So we work really extra hard on that one.

I can't really think of anything else to write about... Oh wait! I hit 73 page views! That's more than 10 page views a day. I'm pretty proud of this sorry thing. At this point in time, at least. Now all I need is more publicity, so to speak.

So, when my friend gets here, I post on how awsome our playing of RockBand was.

Later, you.