Saturday, January 15

Yet Another Opprotunity to Waste Your Time


Ahem... I mean...

So I was playing Rock Band with my friend, and I somehow found a list of all of the songs. It turns out, that Pinball Wizard is on my game. It's a song by The Who, and even though I'm not obsessed with the band, I like that song. I have to get pretty far of Tour Mode to get that song, but I think I can handle it. I really want to watch Naasica of the Valley of the Wind, but I couldn't find it at the video rental place... thing. Castle in the Sky, maybe... Eh.

I don't really know what to type now. I always brain fart in the morning, at night, and when it's dark inside or out.

I came upstairs from playing Rock Band 2 to see Green Bay Packers beating Atlanta Falcons. That kind of surprised me. I mean, earlier in the season, Green Bay lost to DETROIT! That was really sad on the Packers part, but I was happy for the Lions. Yes. I'm a girl. And I care about football. Though the Colts lost to the Jets, I can't wait for the Super Bowl this year. A whole lot of my friends say that the Chicago Bears will go to the Super Bowl, but they'll have to beat the Seattle Seahawks to get there. Probably won't be too hard.

I apologize to my female readers (if any). I know most girls don't care about football. I just do, because I'm weird like that. Sorry.
Dang it!! It's the SORRY SYNDROME!! I say sorry way too much. Sorry. Oh. Oops...
If anyone likes my new blog style, comment. IF YOU DARE.

See you tomorrow.

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