Monday, February 21


Means "Fifty."

You guessed it. This is my fiftieth post! Two months, fifty posts, and 539 page views. Not too shabby.

Lucky me, we don't have school today because of President's Day. I still have dance, though. Oh, yeah. Most of you guys don't know this, but I've been tap dancing since I was three. That's over ten years. That's quite a long time. My tap class is about 45 minutes of back breaking work. My teacher (who is fantastic) works us really hard. She's so different. Our song for just tap 3 is LOVE, a song my teacher first heard in a mayonnaise commercial. That's just how it works. The finale (all tap classes) is Stars and Stripes Forever, that is played on the acoustic guitar. It's pretty interesting. I hope next year, my dance instructor will move me up to Tap 4, the highest tap class at the conservatory. There's just one move I need to perfect to get there. Pull Backs. The hardest move in the Tap 4 repertoire. I won't go into detail, for the sake of the non-dancers out there reading this.

So, a while ago I elaborated on the fact that I want to loose weight. It's true, I do. Crap, I didn't mean to rhyme. Anyway, I tried loosing weight, and it worked for a while, until Valentine's Day hit, and I got money and chocolate. Not a good combination for someone like me. Since it's over, I'll have to work the weight off until Easter, when I can take a small break. I got a big box of chocolate from my dad, and I've been eating a maximum of two pieces a day. It's soooo good. I have a small amount of restraint, though. I've been maintaining my weight, but it'll come down one of these days, I just have to work harder.

I think I change the design of my blog WAY too much. I kinda like the one I have now, because there's more color worked into the over all theme. I might keep it this way for a while. The background with all the school stuff was a little too busy, and distracted from the face that this is a blog about random crap, not just school. The squares are pretty beast, in my opinion. A whole lot of the blogs I've looked through are a lot less busy, so I cut down on the whole crazy design, and just went minimal.

Anyway, I gotta go in just a minute, so I guess I'll see you guys soon.

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