Wednesday, February 9

My 40th Post :)

Aww... I forgot to change the font to Arial right of the bat like I usually do.

Pretty cool, right? I mean, I've only been around since January, and I have 40 posts, and 360 page views. Y'know, that makes me kinda proud. If you think about it, a terrible writer like me, getting so many page views.

Man, I did it again.
My friends/ readers keep telling me to stop talking down about myself. I guess it's just a bit of a habit to beat up on myself, because people verbally hurt me a lot. I guess I've gotten used to the unfair criticism. I try my hardest to be as nice as possible to be nice, but it doesn't always work out the way I planned. Today, at an after school program called Five Star, we talked about being responsible for our words. The head coach told us about a study done with different words, with water. What the quantum physicist did, was took water bottles, and he wrapped them with slips of paper that had different words on them. He also took some water bottles and put them in a room, and people would tell them something good, or bad. After the testing, the scientist froze the water.
The results were amazing.
Our coach showed us pictures of crystals in the newly frozen ice. The nice words had beautiful crystals. The mean words had... not as beautiful, and more sad looking craters in the ice.
At the end of the video we watched, the words on the screen said, "More than 60% of the human body is water. Imagine what those words do to us."

Or something like that.

Sorry I didn't remember that word for word, but I saw the  video an hour and a half ago. I'm happy I can recall all I did. The crystals were beautiful. Some of the negative words, were words I'd heard before. Seeing those craters in the negative water, made me want to cry, with all of the mean things I've said. For the guy I called ugly, I'm sorry. I highly doubt you are reading this right now, but if so, I'm sorry, again. Stupid is a word I remember saying a lot, too.
You all may not know this, but I used to be a total jerk wad. In 2009, I was basically a minor bully that pretended to have friends. But as far as I know, I'm different now. And a better person, on my scale. 

Alright, I'm gone. I have to finish a project for science on limestone. Adios. Sayonara. Bye.


  1. I like it. I also liked the Five Star program today. It was really interesting, and also sad! I told my parents this and they Googled it and it's all true!!! Yay for believers! (Then I saw his face! Now I'm a believer! Not a trace... Of doubt in my mind! I'm in love... Ooooh! Aaaaaah! I'm a believer I couldn't leave him if I tried...) Sorry. Couldn't help myself.

  2. Pppppppppppwahahahahahahaha!!!! That stuff is as fake as Mikuru standing up for herself
