Wednesday, March 16

Drowning in a Wordless World

Somebody, please give me a book to review. I can't think of one. I would review To Kill a Mocking Bird, but I haven't finished it yet. I do like it, but I can't find the time to finish it. I know it sounds stupid that I want a new book to read, but I haven't finished the one I've been on since early February. Still, I want a new book, so comment if you can. If you're too scared to, relax, keep calm, and have a cupcake.

I think I need to self-reflect to people who don't know me. It's kinda fun, though. Strangers can be very insightful. That's a pretty cool proverb. I came up with it just now. That makes me proud.

I think my personality has become more annoying than ever before. According to one of my friends, I am extremely motherly, and it's gotten to be really irritating. I subconsciously correct people all of the time, and I try to make them behave and am all like, "Keep your voice down" "Don't do that" "Stop being such a jerk" "Don't use that kind of language." Maybe I am being too pushy, but the thing is, I think it's a lot easier to get along with others when we are all being respectful. 

Let me back up a little. 

Tonight I had 5Star, and my groups two coaches were gone today, so according to the mastermind in charge of 5Star at my school, we were coaching ourselves. It was going okay. Some people wanted to be leaders, some wanted to be followers. We had a Battle of the Sexes, guys versus girls. It was going okay, though it was a little too crazy for my taste. When we got to phase three, the trivia, my friend wanted them to ask questions about her favorite band. She was calling to the head coach asking about it while we were preparing to start, and as politely as someone like me could be, I asked her, "Please don't shout." She then proceeded to say I was too motherly and that it was starting to get on her nerves. 

I don't think she said anything wrong. It kinda makes sense. I really shouldn't be so pushy or, all up in everybody's business, should I? You people be the judges. I can't do it without being selfish, which is what we're trying avoid right now at 5Star. I hopefully am five star. In the first season of this year, I won an award. I don't think I ever blogged about that. I won the Respect award. I have it in my room right at this very moment. It still makes me so happy to see that I'm actually acknowledged. I kinda miss the days where everything was so care-free. I wish the Piper would lead me to reason. But I know I can't buy a Stairway to Heaven. I love that song. 

Man, I was hoping that this post was going to be long, but that's better that I expected. I'm very happy now. I have all the reasons in the world to be. No reason to whine that there isn't a single guy at my school who has any sort of feelings for me, unlike my friends. My two friends (who are also cousins) have guys they like, and guys that love them. A LOT. I'm not even kidding. One of my friends, a guy-buddy of mine goes up to her every morning, and say, "I love you." I think he seriously means it. He sure does dream about her and her time traveling parallel. In math class, the kid just started staring off into space, like he was infatuated with Aphrodite. He might be.

I wish I weren't so selfish. I mean, compared to some people at my school, or even on my bus, I'm the nicest person in the world. Yet still, I feel lonely when I end up sitting by myself, and think, "I shouldn't be ignored like this," but maybe I should. If I'm so up in your business, maybe I should just keep to myself and not bother anyone because it's clear I'm good at that. 

Am I being to critical of myself? Am I using the word "myself" too much? Should I incorporate more humor into this blog? I should end up answering these questions in about ten years. At most, hopefully. I just want to be happy in the end. That would be wonderful.

One more question. Should I change this blog design? I've had it for a while now, and it's getting a little old. I'll figure it out eventually. Later.


  1. Wait a sec, you're saying you're selfish because you asked someone not to yell and you wish somebody was interested in you? I guess I'm selfish, too, and I don't let my parents spend money on me. (I hope this doesn't come out sounding jerky, it was supposed to be encouraging, but being the angsty pessimistic negative teen dude I am, optimistic encouragement isn't my strong suit. Man this is a long comment.)

  2. That is a long comment. I don't really know if I'm selfish or not, it just kinda bothers me that I ask for silly things like that. Maybe not. I'm really not sure about it anymore. I think the not yelling thing is just that I'm being pushy. I'm like that a lot.

  3. Thanks. Yelling is pushy too, you know.

  4. Wow. No comment. (except, you know, for the comment I'm leaving while saying, "no comment".)

  5. Wait, Nai? I didn't get what you just said. It's my opinion that yelling at someone is kinda pushy, but I don't really know. I'ma confused now.

  6. @Gertrude: Haha. That was pointless.

    @Cami: You said that you were pushy for telling the person not to yell, and I said that you weren't as pushy as the yeller as yelling is pushier than asking someone not to yell. Again, trying and failing to be encouraging. Sorry for the confusion.

  7. Okay, I misunderstood. It's fine, don't worry about it. You are pretty encouraging. Thanks for helping!
