Sunday, March 6


So, who likes my new blog design??? Huh? Anybody? I didn't think so. I don't either. Actually, I do, I just don't think it's ME enough. I know that's self-centered, but it's true.

So, I think I've only gotten one new page view on my blog, and I'm already getting discouraged. I know, it's stupid, but true. I gave up blogging for ONE DAY! I can't put my mind to doing or stopping something that has no point! I'm so glad I've made a vow to never smoke. I'd never be able to quit.

I did it. I found the true issue here. I don't have a point in blogging. What should I have as a point? 
I can make a list to keep my mind busy.

Blog Idea List

Homework Stuff-- If I did that, put the answers to homework on here, my school would be pretty mad.

Book Reviews-- That might be pretty cool. I could read one book a week, or so, and blog my review on it. But then, I might need to get rid of my extra pages.

Music-- I do play two instruments. Plus I listen to my MP3 daily, and listen to music when I'm going to sleep.

Tropes-- Actually, that's the stupidest thing I ever thought of. What, I go to and every new trope I find, I blog about it? I'd be posting seventeen times a day. At least.

Nothing-- I could stick to what I have. Blogging every day for no apparent reason. Complaining 'bout not knowing what to blog about. It seems a little too... Boring.

I got it. I'm bored. This is the weirdest thing since Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged. My mood goes with the Haruhi Suzumiya books I'm reading. I'm reading Boredom, and I'm bored. This is just a little too odd. And you know what, when I read Melancholy again, I'll be kinda melancholy for no reason. I have to blog about something that I'm not bored about. I'm leaning towards either music or book reviews. They both seem pretty fun, compared to being bored out of my mind.

 Music seems to be the best choice, I just don't know how to write it without sounding stupid. I could do something like my weekly crap column that went down the drain. I could take one band, list some of their songs and song lyrics, and write about the band background. At the end of the post, I could put a little of myself in there. Talk about how much I like the band, or just one song. I might give some info like, the songs swear a lot, or their songs were featured in a movie. The only thing is, I don't know it'll enough fun.

On the other hand, with Book Reviews, I can say how much I like the book, give the general plot, and talk about the author. It would be kinda like my Rant pages. I could have character backgrounds, along with plot, pictures, and all different kinds of stuff. I would be able to put a bit more of myself in there, but the posts would become few and far between. Still, that would give me time to other things outside of blogging. I think that wins, for now. 

So, I guess I'm changing my blog to a blog on Book Reviews. I'm thinking I can keep the title, but I guess the design will have to be changed up again. I really do like reading, so I think this will be good. Hey, I could also have BLOG REVIEWS!!! I am smart sometimes. Okay, with everything going on, I need to change my blog entirely, and get started on another book. Bye.


  1. Correction...MELANCHOLIC...that is all...FLAMINGTACO347!!!

  2. How do you get multiple pages?

  3. So, all you need to do, is go under "New Post" and look at the bar above where you put the title. The last option should be "Edit Pages". Click that, and press "New Post." Just go from there.

  4. Hey, Nai? Could you fix something on your blog? You have it set so only a member can comment, so I can't reply to any of your comments. I think the same goes for Zombieman13 and J-j-j-Jenica. Probably same thing goes for MsMcCartney. I don't mean to be rude, but that might be hard.
