Monday, April 4

At Least I Don't Have School

Bless this thy Hand Grenade.

Okay, so, last night, I got home from a bike ride, to see The Lion King playing on the family room TV. So, I sat down to watch that and cool down from my ride. I was out for about a half an hour. So then came dinner, playing basket ball by myself for about another half hour, and coming back inside. Then we watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail as a family, I went in the basement to watch Bleach and Food Network: Challenge. I really wasn't that tired afterwards, so my mom and I watched a movie called The Insider, the third R movie I've ever seen. It's about a guy who was fired from a major tobacco company, and wants to reveal the truth about nicotine, a drug in cigarettes. It was really good, but everybody cursed too much. Even after that, I wasn't tired, so my mom and I watched Pride and Prejudice, one of our all-time favorites. I wanted to watch the Keira Knightly and Matthew Macfadyen version, since it was one in the morning, and I didn't want to stay up and watch something six hours long. I'd forgotten how much I love Pride and Prejudice, and now I feel the need to watch it again.

See, that was a very bland explanation of my wasted Sunday. But all of it is true. 

I got a bit of an idea. If you know me, you know it's a bad to get involved. I just think it would be cool to modernize the happenings in Pride and Prejudice with younger people. I'm sure it's already been done, but I feel the need to do it. I already have ideas swirling through my head. I just don't know what to do about Lady Kathrine Dubose. What should her position be in 2011? She could be a wealthy landlord. Holy crap, I can't believe I came up with that. I'd bet it could work. I feel inspired to write a best-seller, now. Unfortunately, my writing abilities are no where near Jane Austin's. It's still worth a shot. Maybe.

Okay, I don't really know what to do now. Sorry for a boring post. Bye.

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