Tuesday, April 5

Is it Fun?

Of course.

Sorry for the obscure reference. I just finished watching The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya on YouTube. I found a person who has the movie in eleven parts. The channel is haruhifannumber1. All you need to do is search that channel and go to the profile. After that, it won't be too hard to find. Believe me, it's a really good movie. Just make sure you know the series pretty well. You will laugh, and cry, and smile, and sigh, and say, "Kyon, what the crap is wrong with you?" That makes things easier.

Last night, I spent the night with my grandmother. It was pretty nice being with her for a while. After she got settled for bed, I watched Sleepless in Seattle and Sense and Sensibility. Actually, I never finished the second movie. I was dead asleep half way through, so I didn't see the ending I was already familiar with. The morning became pretty crazy when the new appliances came in. It took the crew ten minutes to set up the refrigerator and two for the stove. They were a lot nicer than the originals. I loaded the food back in the fridge and cooked eggs on the stove, and then I had to leave. It was a good visit.

I'm still really liking the idea of modernizing Pride and Prejudice with the characters a bit younger. I think it would be fun to write a book. I just don't think I'm ready for it because I don't have a very good writing ability. Most of my sentences start with "I," "It," "So," or "They." The inconsistency dulls the writing, and makes it much more boring. Maybe I could start now, and keep it going for a long time, so it ends in a good state.

Oh, geez. I still need to play some basketball tonight. See you later.


  1. Yeah, and Logan Lerman and I could play Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett! :) But, of course, we'd get married in real life too, because we'd fallen so madly in love with each other on set!

  2. Uhh... no. No, I'm not in need of your services this time around.
