Monday, August 22

I'm Excited. I Just Don't Look It.

So, hi guys. I know I haven't posted in about a week, so I'll make up for it. Well, no never mind. I'll just write.

Reasons for my Excitement:

1) School starts on Wednesday. I love school, and can't stand summer sometimes. This will give me something to do.
It'll also be kinda interesting because I have some new teachers this year, and I didn't get to go to the walk - around, so it's gonna be a challenge finding every thing. Luckily, my friend's mom gave me a map.

2) I got to see the movie for The Help yesterday. Even though they had to leave out some parts of the book, they got the message across extremely well. I cried three times, laughed a ton, and sat next to my mom, holding her hand at the sad parts. Again people, read The Help. You will love it.

3) I got to go to my first anime convention on Saturday! It's a very small con called Ramencon. Now, they didn't have the Haruhi Hair Ribbons like I wanted and would spend any amount of money for, so I was pretty disappointed. So my sister bought me Orihime Inoue's Hair Pins. The little blue, six - pointed stars that she wears. If you look at my Rant on Bleach, you'll see them.
I also got to meet and get the autograph of a voice actor named Travis Willingham. He is most famous for providing the voice of Col. Roy Mustang, in FullMetal Achemest. My older sister is an artist and drew Travis a picture of Roy Mustang (doesn't he have the coolest name ever?), and when she gave it to him, he gave her a hug. And another for a picture. And another when we were leaving. All in all, it was one of the best days of her life.

So, there it is. I'm still an otaku. I still love reading. I still want to go back to school. I still complain. My life. Live Alive.


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