Friday, August 12


So, the other day, I was sick, and stated that reading The Help by Kathrine Stockett was making me feel better. Well, this morning, I was woken up at seven thirty by my lovely sister, and we hung out until she had to go to Driver's Ed. After she left, I sat and read The Help, and finished it.

There's no way I would spoil the ending for you guys, I'm just going to say, that I was so shocked by it, I was speechless, and before I knew it, I was crying. The ending was such a surprise to me. I had no idea that what happened would actually happen. But it did. I was kinda like a slap to the face.

You know, part of the final chapters, I really liked the turn of events, but at the very end, I was just bawling, because after everything, I was just left there to wonder, and marvel at the realism and all the aspects of this book. 

I find myself so connected to the characters now, but especially Aibileen. I have a love for her like Mae Mobely does. This woman is so wise, and respected by so many people, even when they question her decisions. And when she is tested, she stays cool on the outside despite the fact she is freaking out on the inside.

So, that is my love for The Help. Maybe you'll read it too. Maybe not. But hey. Four paragraphs? You only ever get that out of me when it comes to Haruhi Suzumiya. That's pretty good, for a five-hundred page book.

On another note, last night, my friend Laura and I sat around the big computer in my house for three hours, laughing our heads off at....

A Very Potter Musical

It is a musical written, composed, and performed by college students who just so happen to love the Harry Potter series and think that it's totally awesome. This compresses aspects of all seven books into a musical in two acts, parodying everything along the way. They took memorable aspects of the series and adapted them for their play. The Tri-Wizard Tournament (Mixed with the House Cup tournament), the Yule Ball, and of course, Professor Quirrel and Voldemort. 

The play is on Youtube if you just search for A Very Potter Musical and what act and part you want to watch. Note, that this should only be viewed by peoples the age of thirteen or older.

Oh, yeah. By the way, this play is so funny, it'll rock your face off.

Alright, now I'm done. I'll be back in a couple of days. Bye.

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