Saturday, August 6

Music, Books, and All That Jazz

Gosh darn-it.

I've been listening to so much music recently. I've found a couple of new songs that I love. Quite a few by my new favorite band, Linkin Park. I love them so much. I've liked their music for a while, but I've declared them to be my favorite. So, new songs are...

1. Arms - Christina Perri

2. Stop and Stare - One Republic

3. In Between - Linkin Park

4. Monster - Paramore

5. Iridescent - Linkin Park

6. Boston - Augustana 

Numbers four and five were both songs in the newest Transformers movie. I heard them in the credits, and fell in love. Number six was a song I had heard the chorus to, but never really listened to; so I found it, and figured it out on the piano.

That's how I've been spending my days, except today. Today, I feel like crap. With a head ache, a mild fever, and having slept terribly last night, I'm not in the best mood. Reading The Help made me feel a little better. I watched like, three movies, and they didn't help squat.

I'm reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett because my mom read it and said it was amazing. The movie comes out on the tenth, so I figured I'd finish if I read about one-hundred pages a day. I'm so excited for the movie. Page two-hundred, and I can't wait. But I also can't go until I finish the book. Mother said that I have to have it read by the time the movie comes out, so we can go see it. I'm getting there.

I haven't actually been doing a lot of reading recently. This is the only serious reading I've done since I re-read The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya at camp. I even made the book a special book jacket in Book Arts class. Proof of how much I love that book. I have virtually no artistic talent, so I just did what I knew how to do. Make a simple, yet cool looking design. And one day, when I own all of the books, I'll make a jacket for each and every one of them.

Jeez, I want to go back to school. Where I can see Ribco and Garett and everyone else on a daily basis. My wonderful mother and father keep bugging me because I haven't been going outside and doing things with people. No. I've resided on the computer. Not blogging, but sitting on Face Book and You Tube, watching videos, listing to music, and most of all, doing nothing productive whatsoever. Story of my summer life.

I do detest summer. I really don't like having ten weeks of absolutely nothing. 'Cause that's all I'll do. Nothing. I don't particularly like to be lazy, but when there is nothing, that is what I become. A lazy bum who sits in the same chair for hours, chatting, and watching abridged series on You Tube.

Okay, I'm done. I feel kinda hot, so I'm gonna lay down for a little while. Later.


  1. LOL are u in Nai's band too? I'm jealous...<3 LP!!!!!!!!1

  2. ... No. I'm not in Nai's band, but a couple of other people have invited me to be in their bands. Not Nai, though.

  3. Lucky. Where i am, nobody my age plays an instrument except for like...classical instruments. Do u sing or what?

  4. Yeah. I sing, play piano and bassoon for school and youth symphony.

    There are only a couple people at our school that I'm friends with who play instruments for a rock band. There are a ton of pianists, though. I'm no good compared to them.

  5. Yeah, everybody plays piano. i'm the only bassist at my school, and there's only like...1 person who plays electric guitar.

  6. I know of like, two guitarists, but I want my friend to learn to play.
