Sunday, January 16

I Can't Do Anything Right

Aha ha ha... aha ha... ha~ Allergies.

I'm telling everyone reading this to go to and watch asdf movie. Those videos are really funny, weird, and slightly pointless. Just to let you know, the first one says one curse word, unfortunately, but it's just h e double. If you like them, comment please. There are three videos. Make sure they're all by TomSka. That's the guy who made them.

First Guy: I baked you a pie.
Second Guy: Oh boy! What flavor?
First Guy: Pie Flavor!

That's from asdf movie 2. Golden moment, in my opinion. Okay, I won't spoil any more of it. But seriously, watch them. Now. Soon. Please...

I don't think I can write much else right now, so BYE!

Oh, by the way. I hit 96 page views in 7 days.

1 comment:

  1. I don't even have that many page views, and I've been on blogspot since September!!! *jealous eyes, which are very, very, very blue. So I guess that means that I'm seeing you from behind jealous blue eyes*
