Monday, February 28

A Hopefully Lengthy Apology

I'm so terribly sorry I didn't post for the past few days. I was busy. I know that's a bad excuse, but I'm not very good at that kind of thing.

Anybody watch at least SOME of the Oscars? I watched until about 10:00, but then I had to go to bed. Anyway, I'm insanely proud of my mom because she helped COLIN FIRTH win the Best Actor award. I loved him in The King's Speech, which is what he won it for, but he was also MR. DARCY in Pride and Prejudice. The King's Speech won Best Picture, which makes me really happy. I was kinda disappointed that How to Train Your Dragon didn't win any awards. Still, Toy Story 3 was really cute. I love Spanish Buzz Lightyear. and Spanish You Got a Friend in Me. It was hilariously fun to watch. How to Train Your Dragon was really beautiful, though.

Something strange has found me. Today in Health class, we had a substitute, so we just watched a movie. It's kind of a coincidence though because I'm watching it now. Happy Feet. It's so cute. It's a bunch of animated penguins singing, except one who dances. His feet are like tap shoes, and I had dance today. It was pretty funny. My parents rented the movie while they were at the library because my older sister was sick, and they thought that it would make her feel better to watch a funky, music-filled movie with cute animals, and good animation. It's an alright movie. 

My schedule is really crazy this week. My piano lesson is on Tuesday instead of Thursday because of my Youth Symphony concert at a local high school. And on Wednesday, I don't have 5Star, so I'm going to the high school across the street to meet my sister at card club. It should be pretty fun, I just have to remember to bring my deck to school so I can actually play. I got a new deck with Junk themed cards. It's a really good deck, so good I almost beat my sister once. It's way awesomer than that Magician deck of mine.

Well, I'm getting distracted from watching the movie. I guess I'll see you all soon. Bye.

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