Sunday, February 6

This Is My Lazy Sunday

I'm so happy it's not morning, because I haven't gotten sleep yet.

I played DDR today with my friend. It turns out we only played for about 30 minutes. Then Wii Fit, and then, Rock Band 2, for about 3 hours. I got 99% on Chop Suey on hard level singing. It was really fun playing five songs in a row. But, my friend got to be really tired 'cause she sang so much.

I'm really tired tonight. The Super Bowl is on tonight. I feel I should be watching, but I don't have much interest in the teams. I'm just in the other room, listening for reactions to interesting commercials, or good plays. I'm just sitting here, blogging. I have nothing important on my mind. That's why my blogs have been suckish recently. I have like, 40 posts, and the more recent are really bad, especially my Weekly Crap Column. I'm not going to do anything like that again. I'll only talk about important world affairs at random. No more columns that completely fail at life. I'll be successful from now on.

I think I'm done, since I have to wake up early for National Junior Honor Society. I'll just be sitting on the computer, acting like I'm doing something worth while. Bye.

Friendship Speeches!

1 comment:

  1. Woot Packers!!!!! Haha I like the title of this post, because it opens up an opportunity for me to talk about old music again! One of my favoirte songs is called "Manic Monday", and it's by The Bangles. They're an awesome totally "girl power" band from the '80s. And this song goes, "It's just another manic Monday. Wish it was Sunday, cuz that's my fun day. My I don't have to run day." :-) I just thought of it spur of the moment upon reading said post. ;-)
