Wednesday, March 2

El Post

How I love Arial. The only thing I don't get is, why Blogger Spell Check says it isn't a real word. Epic  Pouting Manouver.

I was E-Mailing my friend, and the most talked about and dreaded subject amongst the female gender came up.


Boys, men, dudes, males, whatever you want to call those things. No offense.

So, here comes a relationship rant. Otherwise known as:

Gender Rant II: Relationships and Stuff

I never actually got the whole "Going out" thing. When I started sixth grade, I was all like, "I wish I could have a boyfriend!" But now, I see no reason to have one. A whole lot of kids at my school are saying that they have boyfriends, or are going out with so-and-so, but I don't think they mean anything by it. It's just saying that you've adjusted your social status to match the person you're going out with. But, really. Where will you go? As a student that's not able to drive yet, you don't have many options. Another odd thing that people do is, they trade sweatshirts. As friends, or as going out. I don't see the point in it. I might trade/let someone borrow my hoodie if they were cold, or didn't have a coat. 

That was a little off-topic.

Another thing I don't get is how when we're five, we think that boys have cooties, and then when we're fourteen, we think guys are hot. The whole hormone thing kinda flew past me in Health. I know how it works, but I don't really like the effects. Maybe it's me not being as mature as I thought I could be. I don't think that guys have cooties, I just think they're annoying as heck. Even now, there are girls who think guys are gross (I hate that word. Gross.), and still whisper to each other in class, "I like ________" "But I thought he was mean to you." "He was, but now he's cool." And that's just what happens. 

Another observation I've made, is that girls go out with guys to make the guy they like jealous, and vice versa. That's kinda like a conspiracy, in a way, but not so bad that you would go to jail. I just think it's really shallow. I mean, really. After you lied about liking this one guy and going out with him, why would someone want to go out with you? It seems really stupid. But I digress.

That's just how it works in school, unfortunately. I wish it didn't, though. But I guess it'll have to do.

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