Saturday, April 23

I Have Quite a Long Reading List

This morning, I actually woke up before 11:00, so I'm happy.

I took about an hour-long walk this morning, going to Beatlechick24's house twice. I had to drop things off and pick things up. I gathered she would be spending her day watching Pride and Prejudice movies, observing Matthew Macfadyen Creepin' on Longbourne. Truthfully, I prefer to watch Colin Firth jump into a lake. But I suppose to each their own. Beatlechick prefers the more "hot" or "sexy" Darcy, but I like the one that is loyal and solemn.

I started reading Pride and Prejudice this morning, and while I skipped ahead to it's place in a Jane Austen collection, I realized I had a reading list of five books. I'll give it to you in my priorities list.

1. To Kill a Mocking Bird- I've yet to finish it, and won't watch the movie until I do.

2. Pride and Prejudice- I've seen the movie far to many times without reading the book.

3. Anne of Green Gables- Beatlechick24 said she would read one of my manga if I read this, so I will.

4. Sense and Sensibility- Another Jane Austen classic that I've persuaded myself to read eventually.

5. Emma- More Jane Austen. Scholars say that on the terms of writing quality, it was her best.

So there you go. My mind is occupied with classical literature. Next thing will be reading more Shakespeare. Man was that a challenge. When I'm in high school, I'll read Atlas Shrugged. For right now, it just seems too precarious. I've got plenty to do, along with the mandatory school work that will be bestowed apon me when I return. As far as I can remember without actually getting up, I have only thirty pages or so left in To Kill a Mocking Bird. Once I finish that and Pride and Prejudice, I'll give you an updated list of favorite books. But don't hold your breath because I've read only fifty pages of Pride and Prejudice. It'll take a while. But I'm sure you can wait and entertain yourself with my regular nonsense.

Well, I have some reading to do. See you later.


  1. It's not exactly that I always base guys on only their face, but in this case, not only is Matthew Macfadyen hot, he, in my opinion, plays a wicked Mr. Darcy. He, like Alan Rickman, can play either the suave villain, or the aloof yet gentle and loving hero of the story, and he does them both quite well.

  2. How many things have you seen Macfadyen in?

    I'm standing by my opinion that Colin Firth is the original and ultimate Fitzwilliam Darcy.
