Saturday, April 2

Today is a DAY

Guess what?? I re-designed my blog again! BIG SHOCKER, RIGHT?? Naw... It looks pretty cool this time.

So, yeah. My school system kicked off Spring Break with a Students vs. Faculty Basketball game. The Faculty won, as I expected. It was pretty cool. We got to skip the last half of 5th period, and while the game was going on, the most advanced band in my school played some different themes. Yet still, I find myself at home, sitting in a green LaZBoy, staying home for the week off of school. 

I find it kinda strange that I have quite a few friends, as far as I know, but I end up sitting alone on the bus almost every day. I'll sit and listen to my MP3 player (named Aya), while three of my best friends I bonded with over the summer partake in giggly conversations involving guys, hot guys, singers, complaining, and other things. But y'know what? That stuff doesn't interest me anymore. I would prefer to talk to my friend about Left for Dead, a zombie video game I've never played before, over how movie stars like Taylor Laughtner and singers like Justin Bieber are extremely hot. Besides, I'm Logan Lerman all the way. Anyway, I guess those things don't really excite me anymore. I guess I am more of a guy than my friends are. Think about it. I have two classes where I got to choose where to sit. In both of those classes, I'm surrounded by three guys. Honestly, I'd rather talk TO guys, instead ABOUT them. So on most bus rides, even when I do sit closer to the Giggle-boxes, I feel pretty secluded, or rather, isolated. Some of my friends can hang out with them and me separately, and be relatively comfortable, but I'm only comfortable around one general group. In a sense, I don't belong with my three beautiful, crazy, charismatic friends on my bus. I belong with the beautiful, crazy, charismatic friends that deserve the title "Best Friends." At the lunch table I sat at originally, but moved because of an increase in population. And now, I feel the need to sit there now, more than ever. It's so much easier to be myself, and I can try letting others be themselves. There doesn't tend to be one attention-getter, like in places I've been to before. It just feels more like, home.

Blogger turned off my automatic-Arial setting. It's still a real word, though. 

Keep the Arial in your hearts this spring, because it is the best font ever. Bye.


  1. Uhhhh...I have a complaint about your new design...I can't read your posts...the screen is all if you could maybe alter it a teensy bit that would be fantaburiffic...thank you...

  2. I just tried my computer too...same thing...ugh...

  3. Huh... I wonder why it's not working...

  4. LOVE the new background...XD It's fricken EPIC-AWESOME-SAUCE.

  5. Pleeeese!!! I can see the trailer for HARUHI and I can't read that post!!!! Aaaahhhh!!!
