Tuesday, April 12

Unlimited Uncreativity

Okay. As most of you know, I'm a pretty lazy person some times. To prove that even further, I'm going to copy J-J-J-Jenica, Nai Pace, Beatlechick24, and Zombieman13, by writing a "ten things you don't know about me" sort of thing. It'll be hard, since I've already spewed my guts onto the Internet.

Ten Things You Probably Don't Know About Me

1. A lot of the times when I walk, I do little Ballet-style twirls to the sounds around me. I'll especially do it if my dancing show is on, and I'm in the kitchen. I'll still hear the music, so I'll dance around a little bit.

2. I have a bad habit of whistling in the hallways at school. Maybe I have a band song stuck in my head, and while I'm standing at my locker, I'll whistle the tune of Mission: Impossible.

3. For some reason, I always seem to have someone teasing me. Guys whom I clearly dislike wave and stare at me, girls calling me ugly. It just happens.

4. I don't like people. They scare me. People in general, not every individual person. There are people in my life whom I love, and others who I can't stand. That's just how it works.

5. MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS ARE JERKS. I am a lot of the time. Some more often than others. Some WAY more often than others. Most girls can't simply brush aside their past experiences with others. There begins a grudge. Grudge leads to dislike. Dislike leads to rumors. Rumors lead to teachers getting involved. It's just a long broken cycle of hatred and jealousy.

6. Nothing against Disney, but Toy Story 3 was WAY better than the other 2. It's such an original story compared to the first and second. Plus, the animation in the third was amazing. And don't get me started on how adorable that little girl Bonnie was. I could go on for HOURS.

7. I am a daydreamer, but always pay pretty good attention in class. It's my friends who can't listen in math.

8. My biggest temptation is not chocolate, but Popcorn. I LOVE POPCORN. You have no idea. It's soft, and buttery, and salty, and cute, and never got stuck in my braces when I had them. I gave up all junk food for Lent, except popcorn. I would cry every day without it.

9. I'm a complainer. You know why that is? I didn't think so. It's because I'm spoiled. I whine, and complain, and moan, and groan, and for what? Who benefits from the squabblings of a teenage girl? I don't. You don't. I just don't want to be a Mary Sue. I want to be as pretty as Haruhi Suzumiya, as witty as Elizabeth Bennet, and as happy as possible. Is that too much to ask?

10. I'm annoyed at the fact that I try to be other people. I can be LIKE other people, just not THEM. I need to be myself, but take a little of my friends, and mix it in with the Cami. Beatlechick24's charisma, Nai Pace's pacifism and musical abilities, J-J-J-Jenica's sense of humor, and Zombieman13's... uhh... Well anyway, you get the picture.

Well, there you go. All I did there was basically complained. And ignored Spell Checks for a while. Ooohhhh.... crap. I forgot one pet peeve of mine. I'll add that really fast as an eleven.

11. I HATE it when people spell my name wrong. Is it really that hard?


  1. XD yayyyy! I am now pleased.
    And, also, HA! You have disproven the laziness, because I actually FORCED people to do this list. Unless that means you didn't read that part of the post...which means that you actually proved your laziness...which...means...*explodes*

  2. I don't think I was being lazy...
