Saturday, August 27

Don't Ask

I know it's midnight, but all I'm doing is chatting on Face Book, and I figured I might as well say something, since I haven't posted since Wednesday.



Just kidding, I won't do that. Just want to tell you guys that I'm so happy. You wanna know why? Of course you don't. I'm back in the J-Pop phase (Japanese Pop Music). It's awesome.

Long live Vocaloid!

Wednesday, August 24

Early Morning Update

Not that any of you guys care, but school starts today for my district. Yup, in about 40 minutes, I'll head out to the bus stop and go to school! I love school so much and I've been really bored, so this should make me happy.

I don't really have anything else to talk about except that I've got a class with Beatlechick and two or three classes with Ewok.

Later... *sigh*

Monday, August 22

I'm Excited. I Just Don't Look It.

So, hi guys. I know I haven't posted in about a week, so I'll make up for it. Well, no never mind. I'll just write.

Reasons for my Excitement:

1) School starts on Wednesday. I love school, and can't stand summer sometimes. This will give me something to do.
It'll also be kinda interesting because I have some new teachers this year, and I didn't get to go to the walk - around, so it's gonna be a challenge finding every thing. Luckily, my friend's mom gave me a map.

2) I got to see the movie for The Help yesterday. Even though they had to leave out some parts of the book, they got the message across extremely well. I cried three times, laughed a ton, and sat next to my mom, holding her hand at the sad parts. Again people, read The Help. You will love it.

3) I got to go to my first anime convention on Saturday! It's a very small con called Ramencon. Now, they didn't have the Haruhi Hair Ribbons like I wanted and would spend any amount of money for, so I was pretty disappointed. So my sister bought me Orihime Inoue's Hair Pins. The little blue, six - pointed stars that she wears. If you look at my Rant on Bleach, you'll see them.
I also got to meet and get the autograph of a voice actor named Travis Willingham. He is most famous for providing the voice of Col. Roy Mustang, in FullMetal Achemest. My older sister is an artist and drew Travis a picture of Roy Mustang (doesn't he have the coolest name ever?), and when she gave it to him, he gave her a hug. And another for a picture. And another when we were leaving. All in all, it was one of the best days of her life.

So, there it is. I'm still an otaku. I still love reading. I still want to go back to school. I still complain. My life. Live Alive.


Friday, August 12


So, the other day, I was sick, and stated that reading The Help by Kathrine Stockett was making me feel better. Well, this morning, I was woken up at seven thirty by my lovely sister, and we hung out until she had to go to Driver's Ed. After she left, I sat and read The Help, and finished it.

There's no way I would spoil the ending for you guys, I'm just going to say, that I was so shocked by it, I was speechless, and before I knew it, I was crying. The ending was such a surprise to me. I had no idea that what happened would actually happen. But it did. I was kinda like a slap to the face.

You know, part of the final chapters, I really liked the turn of events, but at the very end, I was just bawling, because after everything, I was just left there to wonder, and marvel at the realism and all the aspects of this book. 

I find myself so connected to the characters now, but especially Aibileen. I have a love for her like Mae Mobely does. This woman is so wise, and respected by so many people, even when they question her decisions. And when she is tested, she stays cool on the outside despite the fact she is freaking out on the inside.

So, that is my love for The Help. Maybe you'll read it too. Maybe not. But hey. Four paragraphs? You only ever get that out of me when it comes to Haruhi Suzumiya. That's pretty good, for a five-hundred page book.

On another note, last night, my friend Laura and I sat around the big computer in my house for three hours, laughing our heads off at....

A Very Potter Musical

It is a musical written, composed, and performed by college students who just so happen to love the Harry Potter series and think that it's totally awesome. This compresses aspects of all seven books into a musical in two acts, parodying everything along the way. They took memorable aspects of the series and adapted them for their play. The Tri-Wizard Tournament (Mixed with the House Cup tournament), the Yule Ball, and of course, Professor Quirrel and Voldemort. 

The play is on Youtube if you just search for A Very Potter Musical and what act and part you want to watch. Note, that this should only be viewed by peoples the age of thirteen or older.

Oh, yeah. By the way, this play is so funny, it'll rock your face off.

Alright, now I'm done. I'll be back in a couple of days. Bye.

Tuesday, August 9

The Return of Haruhi Suzumiya

So, you guys know I've been gone for a while, right? I took a little break from blogging and writing pointless words for no one to read. Well, I'm officially back (as you probably already guessed), and I'm really excited to be back. For specific reasons.

Yesterday, my throat was hurting so much it was killing me to death, so I decided to be really lazy and lay around on the red netbook (like I'm doing right now). I was looking at the good ole blog here, and saw my Rant on TMOHS. I thought, "Hey, what the heck?" and read through it. Then I went on TV Tropes and looked up the series. Soon after that, I went on Haruhi.Wikia and read spoilers on characters and stuff, and I felt like an otaku again! It was amazing. 

I spent all of yesterday on the computer engaging in Haruhi-esque activities that I could do in my little chair. Including ordering three of the novels off of Amazon that I didn't already own. Thank you blogger. If if weren't for you, I would still be complaining about Barnes&Noble not having the book in yet.

About two months ago, The Rampage of Haruhi Suzumiya was released.
About one month ago, I discovered this.
Present, I have just paid for not only this book, but the two books that came before it in chronological order (Boredom and Disappearance). I am a happy child now.

......  ***  ......

So, I was talking to Ewok yesterday, and no one who goes to our school has gotten their schedule yet. I may be panicking a little bit, but really. School starts two weeks from tomorrow, and I really want to go back. I've got so much to wait for this week. My novels, and also my school schedule. I already know who two of my teachers are gonna be, but the rest are a mystery...
Well, I could guess at a couple, and there are a few that I'm hoping for, but for now, I'm not sure. I won't be until that GOSH-DARN LETTER comes in the mail. 

I guess I'll just have to be patient for a little while...


Saturday, August 6

Music, Books, and All That Jazz

Gosh darn-it.

I've been listening to so much music recently. I've found a couple of new songs that I love. Quite a few by my new favorite band, Linkin Park. I love them so much. I've liked their music for a while, but I've declared them to be my favorite. So, new songs are...

1. Arms - Christina Perri

2. Stop and Stare - One Republic

3. In Between - Linkin Park

4. Monster - Paramore

5. Iridescent - Linkin Park

6. Boston - Augustana 

Numbers four and five were both songs in the newest Transformers movie. I heard them in the credits, and fell in love. Number six was a song I had heard the chorus to, but never really listened to; so I found it, and figured it out on the piano.

That's how I've been spending my days, except today. Today, I feel like crap. With a head ache, a mild fever, and having slept terribly last night, I'm not in the best mood. Reading The Help made me feel a little better. I watched like, three movies, and they didn't help squat.

I'm reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett because my mom read it and said it was amazing. The movie comes out on the tenth, so I figured I'd finish if I read about one-hundred pages a day. I'm so excited for the movie. Page two-hundred, and I can't wait. But I also can't go until I finish the book. Mother said that I have to have it read by the time the movie comes out, so we can go see it. I'm getting there.

I haven't actually been doing a lot of reading recently. This is the only serious reading I've done since I re-read The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya at camp. I even made the book a special book jacket in Book Arts class. Proof of how much I love that book. I have virtually no artistic talent, so I just did what I knew how to do. Make a simple, yet cool looking design. And one day, when I own all of the books, I'll make a jacket for each and every one of them.

Jeez, I want to go back to school. Where I can see Ribco and Garett and everyone else on a daily basis. My wonderful mother and father keep bugging me because I haven't been going outside and doing things with people. No. I've resided on the computer. Not blogging, but sitting on Face Book and You Tube, watching videos, listing to music, and most of all, doing nothing productive whatsoever. Story of my summer life.

I do detest summer. I really don't like having ten weeks of absolutely nothing. 'Cause that's all I'll do. Nothing. I don't particularly like to be lazy, but when there is nothing, that is what I become. A lazy bum who sits in the same chair for hours, chatting, and watching abridged series on You Tube.

Okay, I'm done. I feel kinda hot, so I'm gonna lay down for a little while. Later.

Friday, July 22

Back, and Just About the Same as Before

Holy cheese, it sure has been a while since I visited this sad excuse for a website.

I'm back. I was gone to many corners of the world while I wasn't blogging. Well, sorta. Anyway, I kinda missed my crazy readers and even crazier followers. I just didn't feel like blogging. 

Come to think of it, I don't feel like blogging much now, so I bid you farewell.

Monday, June 27


Hey guys, I'm back.

So one thing that has made my life extremely difficult, and not as good as it could have been has finally been solved. I learned how to braid hair. Yes, I'm afraid that my whole life I've not been able to twist hair in a fashionable way. Until but a few days ago, I had no idea how to do that. But one of my friends braided my hair, and I discovered how to, by watching her. Now, I braid a section of my hair off every day, just to make sure I don't forget how to do it.

In other news, I was watching a bit of The Simpson's Movie. Then my sister made me change the channel. 

I'm sad now. Bye.