Sunday, May 29

Desperately Waiting for the End

It is almost summer. Uhg...

I really don't like the warm weather as much as weather in the 40-60 degrees range. 70+ is just too hot for me. The good part about summer is, school is out. And it just so happens that Tuesday is the last day of school for me, Ewok, and Gertrude. I don't know about Nai. It's probably different for each school system. 

I can't really grasp the concept of not going to school. It's like our job. Being out of work for like nine weeks will be really hard. I need to get a swimsuit. Bye.

Friday, May 27

The New Face of Face


So, for those of you who know me, or at least know what I look like, you know I hate my hair. A lot. Each strand of hair holds my hatred. That's the only thing I get mad at, so I don't have as much of a temper. I take it all out on my hair, and get too tired of being mad to be mad at anyone else. It's fantastic, but that might all end.

I'm going to get bangs.

All that I'm gonna have done is my general hair shorter, only by an inch or two, and get bangs that rest at my eyebrows. I think that should frame my face well. I've been wanting to get bangs for a while, and now my mom said, "Okay." Well, the bangs will curl up like the rest of my hair does, and I'll probably have to straiten them everyday with the straightener that I can't find. This'll be fun.

No really, I think it'll look good, and if not, I've got the summer to grow them back out.

Gotta go now. Second to last day of school, here I come.

Sunday, May 22

I Laugh in the Face of Face

So yesterday, as many of you guys know, was supposed to be when, according to this one guy, the  good people went to heaven, and the bad people stayed on a rotten, lonely Earth.

Or, not.

I'm still alive, and so are my wonderful friends, and so is Leonardo DiCaprio, so everything is fine. This is just gonna go down like the 2012 myth. In the year 2012, no one is gonna die because the Mayans couldn't count any further. I blame them. The world will not come to a catastrophic end any time soon, I'm sure, because I'm Haruhi Suzumiya, and I kinda like this world.

Oh yeah, I gotta add this really quick. The new Pirates of the Caribbean movie was AWESOME.

I know this post was rather short, but I have to type something up for school, and I think I've put it off long enough.

Tuesday, May 17

My Dearest Darlingest Gertrude Who

Dear Gertrude,

It has been made clear to me that you are going through a state of untimely and inconvenient melancholy; and with this problem arising, I feel the need to put in my two cents, and attempt to make your sadness go away, or at least decrease.

Okay, forget the  Jane Austen writing, that's too hard.

Now, let's get down to business. Today at lunch, you seemed really uncomfortable, and not exactly yourself. I've come up with a hypothesis as to why:

It was my fault.

In a previous blog post of mine, The Four No More, I used you as an example to illustrate the "Inconsistent Friend," I so unkindly put, and I figured that you wouldn't mind, and would use it to improve upon yourself. Dead wrong. I was the one being inconsistent, rude, and very obviously and intentionally mean. I don't know what in the world, heaven, Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, future, past, or present possessed me to say something so rude. In fact, you seem to have close to the same sense of humor around me as you do around the opposite gender (that was one of the points I touched on in the post).

You said the everyone hates you. Well, Gertie, I have a list prepared for you to contradict this statement.

  • Alex: He doesn't hate you. He talks to you everyday at lunch.
  • Jane: SHE LOVES YOU.
  • Jessica: She's one of your best friends.
  • Ewok:... Yeah, you know... yeah.
  • Garett: He's awesome, and he considers you a friend.
  • Patrick: He's become a really good friend of yours. I can tell.
  • Jenica: Dude, she's awesome, and loves you.
  • Taylor/Tameshia/Terry/Tatiana: Need I say anymore?
  • Laura: She sits with you on the bus, and you guys are still really close.
  • Raj: Dude.
And last, and certainly the least of all: ME.

Though there is a huge difference in our beauty, shape, and charisma ( you surpass me in all of those categories), our hearts are the same. We both love The Big Three.

Cami E. Errant

Sunday, May 15

The Four No More

Alright, I figure you guys'll want some back story on this one, so I'll give it to you.

Do you hate it when people act differently in front of different people? Well, I don't hate it, but it tends to get on my nerves a bit. I have a group of friends, and I don't understand why, but it tends to happen a lot. I guess it just depends on where we are, and who we're with. I try my hardest to be consistent, but I might bring up different conversations around different people, because one person will get the joke, and another won't. But I don't think my persona in general changes, does it?

Friday night, I went to my friend's dance recital and spent the night at her house. We really, just hung out in the back room, playing music. She sang, and I was on keyboard. The song was Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri. We stayed up for three and a half hours rehearsing, until it was beautiful, and I knew all the chords I needed to know. The next day, I went with three other friends to the mall. We were the four goddesses. The Goddess of Music (Gertrude), The Goddess of Fashion (Jessica), The Goddess of Books (Laura), and The Goddess of Wit (Me, Cami). We were a flawless group of four inseparable friends.

And then, there was another sleep over.

We spent the night at Laura's house. There was an addition to the group: Jane. Jane is a sweet girl. Tall, beautiful brown hair, fair skin. Really pleasant to be around. We all played Glee: Karaoke Revolution for a couple of hours, did make up, and by the time we were finished with those activities, it was after ten.

Two of my friends, Fashion and Music, called a guy they barely knew and talked to him for a couple of hours. It was beyond midnight when the conversation stopped. Just because there was a guy on the phone, the two were acting perverted. Not because it was late at night, or because they had Mountain Dew. No. It was a guy. If there is a guy around a lot of people I know, including these two, will immediately switch gears to Boy Crazy Mode. I don't really like that mode. You have to fight to be noticed amongst your closest of friends. That's not right. I'm sorry, but no. I'm sticking with my Power Trio.

Thursday, May 12


As you all know- because I told you- last night was Five Star Awards Night. Awards night usually wraps up a season, but since it's close to the end of the year, it wrapped up Five Star until school starts again in the fall. By the end, I had won no awards, but had been recognized for my grades. I was nominated for Integrity, but someone else, most likely much more deserving, got it. J-j-j-j-Jenica was nominated for and award, and so was wierdoblogersarah. MsMcCartney got nominated for the biggest award out there: Student of the Year. An older student got the award, but MsMcCartney had the sweetest expression on her face. At the end, she and I were crying, wanting to go back next week, not next year.

This morning on the radio, Five Star went on the air with a pretty cool radio caster, to talk about the awards night, tell stories, and collect gifts of money from listeners. My mom donated fifty dollars. Twenty-five for each of her girls who were involved with Five Star. The newscaster had gotten a gift of 3000 dollars to double the money each time someone calls in, and donate it themselves as well. Pretty cool, huh?

I'll have to go to school soon, so I guess I'll see you later.

Wednesday, May 11

Happy Time Now


Sorry, that was really out of character.

I'm gonna have to make this post short because it's morning, and I have to go to school soon. I'm just really excited for 5Star awards night. First season of Five Star this year, I got the Respect award, and I was ecstatic. Last season, MsMcCartney got Student of the Season, which is pretty big. And now, we have the end of the year approaching at a rapid pace, and today is the last day of beloved 5Star. So now, one of the people from my group must end the Five Star year with a BANG, and win an award. I have no doubt that we'll do well.

That's all from me. Signing out now guys.

Sunday, May 8


Okay guys, I know you're out there. I need you people to read my companion blog: Journal Jar.


Saturday, May 7

I Gotta Post Again

Okay, I have to post again because I just created a new blog. The thing's called Journal Jar. Here's the web address: I haven't posted much yet, since I'd just created it about fifteen minutes ago. Since I've redesigned my blog so much, I new how to get it how I wanted right away. Okay, I'm done. Please check it out. Especially my friends that I know and the people who actually comment on this blog. 

Alright bye. 

To Be, Or Not To Be

That is the answer.

I've been thinking. I know it's a weekend, but I decided to give it a try. I might want to put a PlayList on my blog, but I know that most people in America don't listen to some of the music I like (Japanese music). Though, some of my friends like Linkin Park, Green Day, Paramore, and Three Days Grace. I don't have as many songs on the laptop as I do on our regular computer.

Oh well. I feel like making this short because I'm watching The Simpson's Movie, and Green Day just came on. Bye.

Thursday, May 5

The Incredible M&Ms

I also love 5Gum. The Prism thing.

I've learned that the dude I like has a crush on another girl. This is the ULTIMATE SAD FACE. I sure wish I had some M&Ms to comfort me right now. At least I have Prism.

The title is referencing two things: The Incredible Hulk- a movie I'm watching right now- and only Beatlechick knows the second thing.

So, this morning on the bus, I was listening to my MP3 player as usual- since nobody likes to talk to me on the bus unless I make a spectacle of myself- and I started a song that I hadn't heard in a long time. Leave Out All The Rest by Linkin Park. The lyrics are so sad! I couldn't believe I had forgotten something so beautiful, amazing, and tragic. The chorus is as follows:

When my time comes
Forget the wrongs that I've done
and Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed.

Don't Resent me
and when you're feeling empty,
keep me in your memories
Leave Out All The Rest
Leave Out All The Rest

Sad, isn't it? One of the lines, it's so simple, but strong, it goes as follows: 
I can't be who you are.
I feel I can relate tho that so well. I have amazing friends and associates, that I never feel worthy of being around them. Here are some of my friends:

  • Beatlechick/Gertrude- Gertrude is really fun, gorgeous, and makes everything exciting for the people around her.
  • Mr.Dr.Prof.Ewok/Ribco- Ribco adds a sense of awesome to every situation. He is passionate about many things.
  • Garret- Garret is extremely talented and gracious, and gives himself enough credit to be confident.
  • Jessica- Jessica is beautiful and very bright and energetic. She is a natural leader and helps out a lot with my friends and my occasional problems we need to talk about.
  • Alex- Alex is one of my oldest friends in this town, and is very reliable and passionate. He is loyal to all of his friends and is very intelligent.
  • Patrick- Patrick is a more recent friend of mine, who I have come to be very fond of as a friend. He's pretty easy to have a strait conversation with, unlike some other people I know.
  • thatsuperawesomeweirdofriend/WeirdBloggerSarah- I've know Sarahbaby for almost five years now, and I have so much trust in her. She is really fun, loyal, crazy, random, and overall amazing.
  • J-j-j-j-Jenica- Jen is AWESOME. She's an amazing artist with great taste and is a very good author. I admire her talents and intellect. 
*Note: Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

So, there you go. My amazing, super-special-awesome friends. I won't go any further into detail about every friend I have, but that's a good start. I think I'm about done with this post. Bye guys.

*Note for Blogger Friends: Ask me at school for clarification on who the people are, unless you can already guess.

Monday, May 2

Gosh Dern-it!

Can I whine on the Internet? I hope so because I'm going to anyway; no matter what Google Chrome tells me.

Imma sad.

Why, you ask? It's simple. There's a guy I like and I can barely muster up the courage to talk to him. I mean, he live in my neighborhood, rides my bus, and is in one of my classes. I don't know why I can't even barely talk to him. As far as I know, we're friends, but this is where my shy bone comes in. If one of my close friends/relatives reading my blog wants to know, I'll tell you where no one can hear.

Another thing to complain about:

I discovered over the weekend that I have an extreme and irrational fear of:


The condition is otherwise known as Arachnophobia. Whenever I see one TINY LITTLE spider, I'll go into a state of internal panic, and occasionally external. I was taking a shower, and I saw a spider crawling on the curtain. It scared the living crap out of me; so much, that I ran out of the bathroom in my robe, and went downstairs. The little things scare me. I don't know why, but they do. When I'm around others, I'm not gonna freak out because I don't want to look decomposed. 

