Monday, February 28

A Hopefully Lengthy Apology

I'm so terribly sorry I didn't post for the past few days. I was busy. I know that's a bad excuse, but I'm not very good at that kind of thing.

Anybody watch at least SOME of the Oscars? I watched until about 10:00, but then I had to go to bed. Anyway, I'm insanely proud of my mom because she helped COLIN FIRTH win the Best Actor award. I loved him in The King's Speech, which is what he won it for, but he was also MR. DARCY in Pride and Prejudice. The King's Speech won Best Picture, which makes me really happy. I was kinda disappointed that How to Train Your Dragon didn't win any awards. Still, Toy Story 3 was really cute. I love Spanish Buzz Lightyear. and Spanish You Got a Friend in Me. It was hilariously fun to watch. How to Train Your Dragon was really beautiful, though.

Something strange has found me. Today in Health class, we had a substitute, so we just watched a movie. It's kind of a coincidence though because I'm watching it now. Happy Feet. It's so cute. It's a bunch of animated penguins singing, except one who dances. His feet are like tap shoes, and I had dance today. It was pretty funny. My parents rented the movie while they were at the library because my older sister was sick, and they thought that it would make her feel better to watch a funky, music-filled movie with cute animals, and good animation. It's an alright movie. 

My schedule is really crazy this week. My piano lesson is on Tuesday instead of Thursday because of my Youth Symphony concert at a local high school. And on Wednesday, I don't have 5Star, so I'm going to the high school across the street to meet my sister at card club. It should be pretty fun, I just have to remember to bring my deck to school so I can actually play. I got a new deck with Junk themed cards. It's a really good deck, so good I almost beat my sister once. It's way awesomer than that Magician deck of mine.

Well, I'm getting distracted from watching the movie. I guess I'll see you all soon. Bye.

Saturday, February 26

Tale as Old as Time

True as it can be.

As you might of guessed, unless you're a Disney-hater, that is from Beauty and the Beast. A classic movie and play with wonderful music, singing, and dancing.

That is, if the group does a good job.

In these circumstances, they did better than good. It is a word/phrase known as Super Special Awesome. I say that, because it was the closest thing to professional that I've ever seen done by a HIGH SCHOOL. Yes, that's right. the high school that my older sister goes to did Beauty and the Beast, and dare I say it was fantastic. Belle didn't miss a note singing, the Beast had amazing roars, Lumiere had the French accent spot on, and Gaston was hilariously conceited. When I was about six, or so, I was in a community theatre performance of the topic of these paragraphs, as a dancing saucer, of course. Anyways, that attempt at it was good, but it couldn't touch this high school production. The dancing was wonderful, and as a dancer myself, I really liked watching all the different styles. Seriously, in Be Our Guest, there was the Be Our Guest, sort of dancing, but it changed about three times. Once to a Can-Can sort of thing, and then it changed key, then it was Tango, then they slowed it down, and made it really fun to watch.
On the subject of the music, instead of the whole, CD thing, they had a pit orchestra. I knew a couple of the musicians in the pit, simply because two of them, the piccolo/flute and the bass clarinet/clarinet, are interns that come into my band class every other day, and help different sections of the band on their parts. But any how, the orchestra was able to play for what seemed like hours on end. It was fantastic. I was so inspired when I heard the bassoon solos. The sound was perfectly in tune, and had a soft, sweet, sound, that I'm not able to obtain at this point in time.

I wish I had more time to elaborate, but I have to go. So long.

Friday, February 25


You'll never stop the Arial.
We've used it for typing since we starting writing.

^^ To the tune of We Didn't Start the Fire. The chorus part.

I know I said I would write again after my first post yesterday, but I kind of forgot. I'm very sorry for my silly mind of mine.

I'm not going to make this an actual post because if I had this looming around, people might get mad. Some people, that is.

Unofficial Rant on Justin Bieber

So, as 95% of the universe knows, Justin Bieber is the new teenage heart-throb. Girls on my bus and in my class say stuff like, ''He's so cute!'' "He's so hot!" "He's so smexy!" There are two sides to the debate about the Bieber.
I totally LOVE Justin Bieber!
Someone tell this girl to get a life.
I guess that's just the way it works. Whatever. I think he's a pretty cute guy, though I'm not the biggest fan of his voice. Plus, I've never heard more repetition in one song. I mean, really! How many times do you need to say "Baby"? I should listen to that song, and count the number of times he sings that dreaded word. The best part of that song, is the Ludicrous section. ONLY GOOD PART. Though, Ludicrous doesn't have the best reputation for good, clean, songs. Our friend, the Bieber, on the other hand, doesn't swear in his songs, as far as I know. That's a good sign.

That stuff being said, I want to know how many people actually like Bieber. Comment, otherwise I won't have any idea.


Thursday, February 24


Sometime today, while I was at school, I got my 600th page view. That's pretty awesome for just over a month. I am quite happy.

Today, I was at five schools, and one Chic-fil-A (That's probably wrong, but never the less). My ensemble, a brass ensemble, and two orchestra ensembles went around to elementary schools to get fifth graders to join band or orchestra. It went really well, and after listening to a brass ensemble four times, I have Battle Hymn of the Republic playing in my head. One of the members of my ensemble, the clarinetist, was having instrument problems, but it turned out okay.

I actually have to go to music lessons soon, so I'll post again later.

Wednesday, February 23

Ouran High School Host Club

Yeah, I'm at 599 page views, and it's driving me up the wall. I'm watching Ouran High School Host Club, to pass the time in waiting.

I can't rant tonight, because I'm too tired, so bye.

Tuesday, February 22

Jake & Elwood

I'm a silly, indecisive girl, aren't I?
Yesterday, I changed my blog appearance about five times. I feel so incredibly fickle.

Time for a gender rant. 

I hate how this happens to my own sex. Girls/women are made to look insanely inferior. The stereotype is, all girls do is mess with their hair, spend time picking out clothes, and putting on make-up. Females worry about their appearance, make everything look pretty, over-think things, judge others, and talk about guys. If I were Queen of the Universe (scary thought, huh?), I would make some girls less critical, and make women more respected in all the movies in the world. There are some girls that I know that are completely the opposite of the stereotype, and they don't care about what they look like, and they don't care what others think about them. I guess it depends on the personality and the upbringing.

The young man stereotype isn't much better. It is as follows: Guys can be really self-centered, and don't think about things enough, sometimes. They can think that their friends and them are the coolest, and what they do is the best. A lot of the time, they are really REALLY care-free. 

Truthfully, I think guys have a few less apparent flaws than girls have, except for guys wanting to be "The Hero" all the time. As I mention on my Meet the Writer page, I have a bit more of a guy's personality, rather that of a girls. I try to access my inner male (because I know it's in there deep inside), so I can have a good balanced personality. The two genders by themselves are very different, but combining the personalities could have a good effect.

A lot of the time in shojo anime/manga, the main girl character will be annoying, obnoxious, rude, and hot-headed, and everyone seems to like her. Then all the guys will be really hot or really girly and 100% of the time, they end up with the main girl. It's all so cliche.

Shonen is usually the main guy is stupid (Naruto), and the supporting girl is a totally useless character that acts like she is really good at what she does even though they're not (Sakura), and the supporting guy is all emo kid syndrome and better than the main guy, which immediately makes them rivals (Sasuke). Unfortunately, that's how it works.

Bleach on the other hand, is a really different in a good way. The main guy has emotional problems (that's a given for most any main character), but is really smart (Ichigo). The supporting girls are either strong, and good at what they do (Rukia), or gentle, and train hard to help others (Orihime). The supporting guys are either ultra-smart with family and power problems (Uryu), tough with life issues (Chad), or just a flat out failure (Renji, even though he's a lieutenant. I mean, really. Has he ever won a fight? Ever?).

Let's take Death Note for an example. The three main characters (Light-male, L-male, and Misa-female) all have apparent talents. The first two have brain power, the third has an annoying abundance of charm. Most of the side characters are smart (Soichiro and Aizawa), ultra-smart (Near and Mello) or just used as toys my Light (every one else, but Matsuda). At any rate, the guys do all the work, and the girls sit around and obsess over how amazing Light is, even though he's a serial killer/murderer/punisher of criminals/Kira/destroyer of the world.

But I digress. Men are perceived to be above women, and now I see why. Girls are useless in most movie, and guys are always the hero. That's why I love The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. There is not a cliche page in the book. Plus, the main guy character is totally normal, and the fetured girl has the power the control the universe. That's what I call girl power.

Monday, February 21

For The Win

I hate to make a short post, but it turns out I don't have dance classes today.

I started following a new blog call Nai in the Blogsphere, and it turned out to be really cool. Check it out at The writing is awesome. Please read it. Now.

Cami Errant- Over and OUT.


Means "Fifty."

You guessed it. This is my fiftieth post! Two months, fifty posts, and 539 page views. Not too shabby.

Lucky me, we don't have school today because of President's Day. I still have dance, though. Oh, yeah. Most of you guys don't know this, but I've been tap dancing since I was three. That's over ten years. That's quite a long time. My tap class is about 45 minutes of back breaking work. My teacher (who is fantastic) works us really hard. She's so different. Our song for just tap 3 is LOVE, a song my teacher first heard in a mayonnaise commercial. That's just how it works. The finale (all tap classes) is Stars and Stripes Forever, that is played on the acoustic guitar. It's pretty interesting. I hope next year, my dance instructor will move me up to Tap 4, the highest tap class at the conservatory. There's just one move I need to perfect to get there. Pull Backs. The hardest move in the Tap 4 repertoire. I won't go into detail, for the sake of the non-dancers out there reading this.

So, a while ago I elaborated on the fact that I want to loose weight. It's true, I do. Crap, I didn't mean to rhyme. Anyway, I tried loosing weight, and it worked for a while, until Valentine's Day hit, and I got money and chocolate. Not a good combination for someone like me. Since it's over, I'll have to work the weight off until Easter, when I can take a small break. I got a big box of chocolate from my dad, and I've been eating a maximum of two pieces a day. It's soooo good. I have a small amount of restraint, though. I've been maintaining my weight, but it'll come down one of these days, I just have to work harder.

I think I change the design of my blog WAY too much. I kinda like the one I have now, because there's more color worked into the over all theme. I might keep it this way for a while. The background with all the school stuff was a little too busy, and distracted from the face that this is a blog about random crap, not just school. The squares are pretty beast, in my opinion. A whole lot of the blogs I've looked through are a lot less busy, so I cut down on the whole crazy design, and just went minimal.

Anyway, I gotta go in just a minute, so I guess I'll see you guys soon.

Sunday, February 20


Okay, I just worked really hard to make my blog look good.

On the subject of blog appearence, how does mine look? With the other background with all of that crap on it, it was too busy, and looked tacky, in my opinion. I think that the squares look a lot better, and less crowded. The only thing is, it's too dark. There's not enough light colors in the background. Oh, well. I guess it'll have to do for now. At least, until I find a new background.

All I can think about now, is The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. I think I'm going to watch it again tonight. The only thing is, it's all subtitled. Very few English words in the movie. Apparently when it came out in theatres in Japan, it hit #1 on a countless number of polls. I'm not kidding. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is one of the most popular series in Japan. When the first novel came out, it sold over 4.5 million copies. In Japan alone. That's a lot of books.

My mom took my sister and I to Meijer, 'cause she needed to buy some stuff. My sister and I bought Children's Trading Cards. I got a Yu-Gi-Oh! structure deck, and two 5D's card packs. My sis got a Black Wing Dragon tin. It had five card packs, and five foil cards. How I love Children's Trading Cards.

Loreal. Because I'm Worth It.

Does anybody like snow, anymore? I don't. Our snow has been melting, up here in the Mid West. I wish it would stay this way forever. I like having spring, and fall. Summer is too hot, and Winter is too cold. I like Alaska in the summer, where the high is 60 degrees and the low is 32. In the winter, the temperature is around -40. That's pretty cold.

Okay, so once my sister get out of the shower (which should be soon) I'll duel her, so I guess I'll see you guys tomarrow, since there's no school.

Motion Picture

There will be no objections to this statement:

I just saw the best movie ever.

Yeah, I'm serious. Guess what movie it was? Try again. Wait, what was that? Say it louder. You'll have to speak up.

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya

Okay, I know what you're thinking right now, "She's such a nerd." You're right, I am. Even so, that movie was so good. I laughed, I cried, I got insanely confused, I felt bad, I was scared, I saw a Christmas outfit on Mikuru, I saw Haruhi with long hair. The world in that movie was amazing. I wish I could tell you all about it, but I can't spoil it for those of you who just got into the series. All I'll say is, it was really long. The run time was approximately 169 minutes, and for the people who are challenged by math, that is almost three hours. Last night, I started watching at about 9:00, but the first video was really laggy (the sound is behind the video), so I found another one, which was buffering a whole bunch, at first. By the end I had cried twice, laughed a lot, and was wanting to watch it again.

That is how a movie should be.

Saturday, February 19


I have official bragging rights. I hit 500 pageviews. Thanks for reading.

My Hands Hurt

Okay, I just worked really hard on fixing this blog and making it look beast, so... yeah.

I created two new pages, updated the look of my blog, and wrote three thousand words about myself. I think I did a good job, but I'm not sure, so reasure me.
That was redundant.

This morning, I had Youth Symphony. We're playing four songs for this season. Radetzki March, William Tell, Pavane, and Swedish Rapsody. I think I'll have William Tell stuck in my head for a week, since we spent a lot of time on it.

I have a job to do, so bye.

Friday, February 18

I Have An Attraction To Flux

"Flux" means change.

I did it. I changed the name of my blog. I think it'll be easier to remember my blog without the web address being one thing and the title another. Now, we are all in unison. Unfortunately, I have to make this post short because of hygiene, but I wanted to let you few people know, that I changed my blog title. I am urFACE. I am Haruhi Suzumiya in my world. Kyon is amazing. This is me.

I have to shower, so bye.

Wednesday, February 16

It's The End Of The World As We Know It

Wouldn't it stink if it were?

I feel that I'm the only one of a group of my friends that's not going through anything very bad. One had pneumonia, one broke an arm, and one is having family problems. I feel really bad, so I'm just going to try and be mature, and help everyone in any way that I can. That's my job now.

I know this is a blog, and this might be a strange question to ask on a blog, but am I a good person? I feel like I make a lot of mistakes, and I do things that might hurt people's feelings. I going to try my hardest to be the best person I can be. So, for those of you who know me, please tell me if I do anything wrong. I think I'm going to try and keep track of all the mistakes I make, so I can try to have a lower number the next day. I used to be a really mean, dominant person, and I thought only of myself. I wasn't very nice to my friends, who barely accepted me for who I was because I was so mean. Still, I'm a teenager, so I have hormones raging through my body. I try to do good school work, and play my instruments well, and I do. But I feel that I'm lacking in the section of good personality.

I'm a bit of a dreamer, or rather, a day dreamer. I've recently had a day dream that I became deaf, and I still played bassoon and piano, and I still sang. I figure I could still talk, even if I were deaf, since I know how to talk, at this point in time. In part of my fantasy, I became a singer, and released a single that was only vocals and piano. It hit #1 on American Top 40, and I was on the phone with the radio host, Ryan Seacrest, and I had an interpreter telling me what he said in sign language. This is what happens when I have too much time on my hands for day dreaming.

I really do have a song developing in my head. It's way too opera-y for it to hit #1 on American Top 40, but it's not bad. The song has a major melody, but the lyrics are really sad. The song is all about the singer's best friend who died in her sleep. The night of her death, she was visited by her boyfriend, who gave her a golden locket because she had been sick. She went to sleep smiling, and never woke up. I know the tune in my head, but I need to find the actual notes on the piano. I think it'll be pretty. I don't expect it to be anything special, but what I've got going isn't too bad.

I've got pretty long paragraphs going on. I haven't posted in a while, so I'm making up for lost words... and time... I think.

Did anyone get anything good on Valentine's Day? I got a poem, two animals, and a really cute note. I also got a half-eaten pack of gum thrown at me in Algebra class. The gum was delicious. All the Valentines I got were from my friends. One of my friends stuffed a Pillow Pet in his girlfriend's locker. She gave him a Build-a-Bear. They both like stuffed animals WAY too much. I don't have a boyfriend. My parents don't allow me to have one, and I now realize why. Most of the people at my school date for a couple of weeks, two months if they're lucky, and just break up for no apparent reason. My sister on the other hand, has been dating her FIRST boyfriend for five months. Not bad for a first time relationship on both sides.

Monday, February 14


As usual... I'm no one's Valentine on this wretched day of the year.

All the people at school shove Pillow Pets and Build-a-Bears in their Valentines locker. I just sit around, and mess with my newly cut hair. Yes, my hair is quite short. I have it in a Catherine Zeta-Jones Velma Kelly bob, now. Before, it was long, and curly, but got tangled up really easily. I mean, seriously. I had a knot of hair, the size of my FIST. Not PALM, FIST. It was terrible. But now, it is short, poofy, thick, and cute. Or rather, cute-ish. I have a bit of a round face, so it's hard to be round faced, tall, and cute at the same time.

I started reading To Kill a Mocking Bird yesterday. I can now see why it is called an American classic. It is really cute. I'm already on page, like, 86. It is so good.

I would elaborate like I usually do, but I have to go, so bye-bye friends.

Friday, February 11

I Changed... Again

You can't stop the Arial.

I realized that I post too much, and I change my blog design WAY too much. Now, I realize that I found the perfect background and style that works for my blog. I'm kinda proud. It's a pretty neat pattern. I think it works a lot better with the nonexistent purpose of my blog. I'll try my very VERY hardest to keep the blog design the same for a while. I mean, I changed it twice a day when I first started writing in January. Now, I think that this one will stay for at least a WEEK...


I think I'm already done for the day, since I posted this morning... I think.


This Is Sparta

I was going to write a post yesterday, but it got deleted. :(

Oh, yeah. I just checked my stats, and I have 400 page views. Thank you guys for reading my little blog. I need to go to school soon, so this was an extremely short post.


Thanks For All Of The Page Views

Wednesday, February 9

My 40th Post :)

Aww... I forgot to change the font to Arial right of the bat like I usually do.

Pretty cool, right? I mean, I've only been around since January, and I have 40 posts, and 360 page views. Y'know, that makes me kinda proud. If you think about it, a terrible writer like me, getting so many page views.

Man, I did it again.
My friends/ readers keep telling me to stop talking down about myself. I guess it's just a bit of a habit to beat up on myself, because people verbally hurt me a lot. I guess I've gotten used to the unfair criticism. I try my hardest to be as nice as possible to be nice, but it doesn't always work out the way I planned. Today, at an after school program called Five Star, we talked about being responsible for our words. The head coach told us about a study done with different words, with water. What the quantum physicist did, was took water bottles, and he wrapped them with slips of paper that had different words on them. He also took some water bottles and put them in a room, and people would tell them something good, or bad. After the testing, the scientist froze the water.
The results were amazing.
Our coach showed us pictures of crystals in the newly frozen ice. The nice words had beautiful crystals. The mean words had... not as beautiful, and more sad looking craters in the ice.
At the end of the video we watched, the words on the screen said, "More than 60% of the human body is water. Imagine what those words do to us."

Or something like that.

Sorry I didn't remember that word for word, but I saw the  video an hour and a half ago. I'm happy I can recall all I did. The crystals were beautiful. Some of the negative words, were words I'd heard before. Seeing those craters in the negative water, made me want to cry, with all of the mean things I've said. For the guy I called ugly, I'm sorry. I highly doubt you are reading this right now, but if so, I'm sorry, again. Stupid is a word I remember saying a lot, too.
You all may not know this, but I used to be a total jerk wad. In 2009, I was basically a minor bully that pretended to have friends. But as far as I know, I'm different now. And a better person, on my scale. 

Alright, I'm gone. I have to finish a project for science on limestone. Adios. Sayonara. Bye.

Monday, February 7

This Is Not A Canteloupe

We are all Arial.

I have a question for any and everybody reading this blog, thing.

Is it better to have shorter posts, that are posted every day, or really long, occasional posts???

If you can read my big font question, please answer it. Even if you don't know me, or if you are just reading this blog for the first time. Oh, come on. I need more feedback besides BeatleChick24 and ZombieMan13!! I feel so lonely... No offense to you guys, 'cause you know I think you're awesome.
But I digress. If you have some motivation to read this blog, please comment, so I know that it's not my mom checking my blog for the seventeenth time in one day.

Okay, I just want to finish by saying, my blog looks cool, now.

Sunday, February 6

This Is My Lazy Sunday

I'm so happy it's not morning, because I haven't gotten sleep yet.

I played DDR today with my friend. It turns out we only played for about 30 minutes. Then Wii Fit, and then, Rock Band 2, for about 3 hours. I got 99% on Chop Suey on hard level singing. It was really fun playing five songs in a row. But, my friend got to be really tired 'cause she sang so much.

I'm really tired tonight. The Super Bowl is on tonight. I feel I should be watching, but I don't have much interest in the teams. I'm just in the other room, listening for reactions to interesting commercials, or good plays. I'm just sitting here, blogging. I have nothing important on my mind. That's why my blogs have been suckish recently. I have like, 40 posts, and the more recent are really bad, especially my Weekly Crap Column. I'm not going to do anything like that again. I'll only talk about important world affairs at random. No more columns that completely fail at life. I'll be successful from now on.

I think I'm done, since I have to wake up early for National Junior Honor Society. I'll just be sitting on the computer, acting like I'm doing something worth while. Bye.

Friendship Speeches!

Saturday, February 5

Dance Dance Revolution

Anyone else love DDR? Come on, who doesn't love pressing arrows on an expensive dance pad? The only thing is, the songs on DDR Hottest Party are really unknown. I miss dancing to Butterfly on the DDR system at school.


I'm Your Little Butterfly.

Green, Black, and Blue,

Make the Colors in the Sky.

Yeah... I know that song is annoying. On basic, or light, or whatever, it's insanely difficult. The song is really fast, and really fun. I had so much trouble playing it at school. A lot of my classmates said I was doing really well, yet I still feel like I'm rusty, and I need to get in more practice. Well, I think that this weekend, I'll have my friend over so we can kill ourselves playing DDR and then collapse on the ground in an over done fashion. That's just how things work around here.

Today is Saturday, but I still woke up at 7:13, because I had a Solo and Ensemble program at the high school to go to this morning. I was in a Traditional Wood Wind Quintet (Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, French Horn, and Bassoon- that's me). We got a gold metal for the performance. I had to go back at 2:15 for my solo, which wasn't until 2:49. Anyway, I got a gold on that one, too. It was an over all, good turn out, like it was last year.
'Kay, I'm gone to watch Star Wars IV. See ya later.

Losing a Children's Card Game, has caused me to have an existential crisis!

Friday, February 4



I finished reading the book I had to read for school. I stayed up to 2:00 a.m. reading and writing reviews. It was an amazing, and influential story that take the after effects of life and death to a whole new level. The book is called Year of Impossible Goodbyes.

So, how did you like my Weekly Crap Column? .........

Yeah, I know it was kinda lame. All I did was write about the crap I'm into, when you already know what I like. I'm so sorry, that I wrote so much stupid stuff. Now, all I'm doing on this blog is pressing enter, so that I make my posts look longer. I'm getting really distracted because I'm watching/listening to Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series. I reference all of the jokes from the series in my brain. Oh, wait! Here's some!
Burn the Witch!
Super Special Awesome!
Children's Card Games

Yeah, I'm kinda bored, so... BYE.

Thursday, February 3

I Have Something To Tell You All...

I just thought I'd let you guys know I hit 300 pageviews. So, I want to thank all of my readers for actually paying mind to this thing.
I'm done. And I'm happy. Bye.

Thank You All!!!

Weekly Crap Column

Great Books
Year of Impossible Goodbyes
Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie

Awesome Videos
Off the Pill Rants - Nigahiga
asdf movie

Beast Video Games
Rock Band 2
Green Day Rock Band
Beatles Rock Band
Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock
NEW Super Mario Brothers


I have a book to read for school, and it has to read it by Friday. I also have to write a synopsis and reviews for each section. I'm on page 45 out of 169. You can laugh now. I know I fail.
Anyway, we have a snow day again today at school, and I have until about 11:30 at night to read my book and do all of the stuff in the packet. Wish me luck... :(

That is all I have to type about this week.
So long.


Wednesday, February 2

SOS Brigade

Yeah, I said it. For any of you Haruhi Suzumiya fans, I'm recreating the SOS. Of the people I've selected, I know the most about the series, so I'm Haruhi. That's a given. Two of the brigade members I've selected have blogs, so check them out at: and The high school I'm going to says you can create a club if you have a teacher sponsor. Unfortunately, in the series, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, the SOS Brigade doesn't have a present teacher sponsor. I don't think there is one at all. Oh well, I just need a costume rack, a place to make tea, a computer, and other crap. Of course I need a Kyon, Yuki, Mikuru, and Koizumi. This will be harder than I thought.

I feel bad, because I said I was going to post on Tuesday, but I didn't. I'll do my Weekly Crap Column later today, I think.

Wow, I'm completely out of ideas. See y'all next time.