Tuesday, March 29

Nine In The Afternoon

I am in the mood for Panic! At The Disco today. It is Nine in the Afternoon. That is one of their songs. I also have I Write Sins Not Tragedies stuck in my head. Really good song. I was watching Dancing With The Stars last night, and Chelsea Kane danced to that song. It was SOO AMAZING, but the over-dramatic judges said it wasn't enough of a jive. One judge, Bruno, said that it was a mix of Lolita and Clockwork Orange. I would've said that it was a bit of an Alice in Wonderland mix, too. Look up the dance on Youtube. It was week two of Dancing with the Stars.

I really can't write too much more today. I want to see who gets voted off of DWTS. I just hope it's not Hines Ward, Sugar Ray Leonard, and Chelsea Kane stay on the show for a while. HINES WARD IS SOOOOO GOOOOD!!!!! I'm worried for Sugar Ray, since his jive was technically sloppy. It was just so much fun to watch.

Kk. I'm done. So long.

Sunday, March 27

Their Story in Pictures

The Illustrated Biography of The Beatles By Tim Hill, Alison Gauntlett, Gareth Thomas, and Jane Ben

This is a documentary of one of the greatest bands of all time, and it's all in photos. We start at the beginning of the madness, with four guys from Liverpool, England. All very young, handsome, and most importantly, talented. In 1962, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr started playing in a little band called The Beatles the ragtag team had created. Of course, they had only hoped for fame and fortune, never expected it.

Take a journey through time and see how the band came about, and how it all ended up. The memoir is in photographs, black and white and color, and has descriptive captions of what happened in every moment that has been brought to our attention in a small book.

There are a whole bunch of pictures in this book. If you like to see the lives of classic-rock bands, read it. Or rather, look at it.

Saturday, March 26

Not My World 15,532.Endless Summer

I have written 80 posts before this one, and have over 800 page views. I think that says absolutely nothing important.

I'm really liking the blog design I have right now. It's pretty spring-ish... you know... with the green-ness? And trees?
I'm right.

I'm pretty sure only one person will know what two things the title of this post have to do with. Comment if you know how pathetic I was referencing those things together.

Speaking of pathetic, who here likes poetry? I like editing poetry, and sometimes writing, but I'm a better editor. I brought up poetry from pathetic because we're learning poetic devices, and one of them is pathetic fallacy. It means to personify nature. That kinda has to do with my blog design. Nature? Yeah...

Please don't tell me I'm the only one here who watches Dancing with the Stars. Season twelve just started, and there are some really good dancers on there. Hines Ward, Sugar Ray Leonard, and Ralph Macchio were all really good. The judges are as always really dramatic about everything, but they gave out some pretty good scores. And some really bad. I think someone got a 14, but I can't remember who. I thought it was pretty peculiar that they started with a fox trot. That looks like a hard dance for the first night. There is always a Cha-cha-cha on the first episode, so that was no surprise. The new episode is Monday night, at 8:00pm eastern time. You might want to try watching it sometime. Be careful with some of the dances, though. It's all ballroom, so no ballet, tap, or modern. It may not be for you. I'm just a dancer.

That was a huge paragraph up there. I'm gonna get going now. I'll just take a nap, or not. I really don't know. Bye.

Thursday, March 24

The Un-Crayolafying of Everything

I'm very happy. Blogger has my font set at Arial immediately. They also count it as a real word. Thank you, Blogger.

Thank's to you absolutely flawless readers, I've hit 800 page views. I'm now content with my life.

So, in yesterday's post, I said that I would tell you about what happened on Monday that made me feel like an actual female. One of my guy-friends (who is pretty cute, I might add) was talking to me in math class about his girlfriend and stuff like that. Then the subject of one of my friends came up, who is a bit boy crazy came up. Being the confusing person he is, my friend (and Zombieman13 is a wittness) kissed my hand. IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS!!! My math teacher didn't even notice! It was so funny.

Well, due to my curfew, I have to say... So long. Farewell. Aufiedersein. Adieu.

Wednesday, March 23


I am such a girl, it bothers me. Sometimes, I wish I were a guy. Though I did have my first girly moment in my life on Monday. I'll explain that later in the post.

After all of my hard, painstaking, back-breaking work on my blog design, I'm not very happy with it. I just think it's a little too childish for a mature, intellectual, like myself. Maybe I'm just being stupid and need to deal with it. Despite what I said two sentences ago, I think I'm being too girly, indecisive, and kinda dumb. I think I'll end up spending all night (that is, until I go to bed) working on it.

I'm almost half-way through To Kill A Mokingbird. And just to let MsMcCartney know, I've been looking through the Beatles book, and I'll get it to you on Friday. The pictures are pretty cool.

Okay, I'm right now listening to Spice and Wolf, an anime that my friend recomended to me the other day. I'm about half-way through the first episode. It's really good, but it's moving pretty fast. I really like the character Kraft Laurence. He's pretty awesome, and I love his voice actor. And Holo speaks without using contractions, but she's pretty funny. The girl gives Laurence such a hard time. She stole his clothes in episode one! And she didn't even know his name. It was really hilarious.

Okay, I'm off to re-design my blog for the ten-millionth time. Oh, I almost forgot. I've gotten about 795 page views. Thanks guys.

Monday, March 21

The Mission Complete

There are no beginnings, just a place a story picks up something new.

                                                                                                                                    - Cami Errant

On December 9, 2010, I was given a choice between two pieces of music that at the time, I thought to be impossible to play. My piano teacher (who I will give the name "Master" for the sake of the story), said I should play one for a prestigious competition in my community. The two compositions were written by Burgmuller, a Baroque musician. They were in a progressive book, numbers twenty-four and twenty-five. I had also played a piece in that book called Arabesque, which was only number two. The Swallow and The Knight Errant were both challenging pieces, no doubt. But Master was sure I could either of them in March, the month of the competition.

One week later, I returned to my piano teacher's house, with confidence in my choice.

I had tried to play both pieces, at least a little, to get the feel for them. Number twenty-four, The Swallow, was my favorite of the compositions. Only two pages in length, it had a gorgeous melody, and a consistent theme. The other piece, The Knight Errant, was much more precarious. First of all, the piece was three pages long, and it had to memorized, which I thought would be impossible with a piece at that level. Secondly, there was hardly a recurring theme. The first melody was repeated three times total in the entire song. Third, there were thirty-second notes! I didn't even know how to count those! The entire thing was crazy. It sounded cool, in and of itself, but a pianist at my level, I thought, could not possibly play something so challenging.

Inside Master's house, I played for her most of The Swallow, since I had gotten pretty good at it. I was sure she would be pleased with my progress on my favorite piece in the book. Master seemed content. Like most of the songs in the book, it was considerably fast, but I was pretty sure I could handle the speed. The song used a lot of peddling, which at this point in time, I thought I was pretty good at. So overall, The Swallow was my number one choice.
Next, she asked me to play what I had worked on in The Knight Errant. I hadn't done much work on it, since it was so difficult. The beginning chords were a bit of a stretch, so I didn't do very well on them. Master said that is was fine, and that it was quite a bit harder than number twenty-four. I explained to her that The Swallow was my primary choice. I was a bit surprised to hear her disagree. She said that The Knight Errant was much more of a "me" piece. I thought it was too hard. Still, she persisted, and I caved in, and took on that work of art that would be my project for the four months to come.

The following night, I was sitting at my piano, too far back on the bench, looking at Knight, and not knowing where to start. I studied the opening. Dynamic: Piano. I saw that at the end of the second line, there was repeat sign, which meant I would have to play it again. Oh joy. I recall sitting for ten minutes doing nothing but staring at the dead trees. Then I fell apart. In my extreme worry, I started talking to my parents, who were making dinner. Despite all of my well thought-out fear, they continued their attempts at reassuring me I would be fine. I had all of winter break to practice it. And that's exactly what I did.

In the beginning of January, I returned to my piano teacher's house. Feeling much more confident than when I had last been here, I explained the state of the piece. I had figured out all of it. It was slower than written tempo, and a little sloppy, but what can you expect? I played through all that I could, trying to exaggerate dynamics and melodies, while keeping things even. Once I'd finished, Master gave me a hug.

It took another three months to get The Knight Errant in a state of slightly pure beauty, but that was all I'd wanted. The competition ended up going pretty well, though I didn't win. I wasn't too surprised. It wasn't my best performance, but definitely not my worst. I was critiqued very well, on things I knew I had to work on, and on things I hadn't heard before, like not sitting far enough forward in my seat. In the end, I was content. It was a one-shot deal, but that's how it's going to work. Just yesterday evening, I had a piano recital for Master's studio. I was the second-to-last performer, going in order of level. The last student to play was a graduating senior playing a Chopin piece. I was a lot more comfortable thinking it wasn't all about me, but that I had the honor of opening for the seniors concert. I made virtually no mistakes, which made me happy. But what made me really happy, was listening to Nocturne, and thinking back on my experience with the Knight. It may be pushing it, but he is my friend.

I went through a lot of changes with this guy riding by my side. I pulled my hair out on grades, friends, and everything else under the sun. But when it came to problems with him, I never got very mad, or offended, or hurt. I talked things out slowly, and we came to the end in perfect harmony.

So now, my journey is complete. Our battle is over, not won. Well, not entirely. And one thing's for sure, I had a great time with you, Knight. Thank you.

Saturday, March 19

I Crayolafied Everything

Yeah, if you're reading this post that will be pretty short, my blog is already extremely colorful. I over-killed it with the colors in the header. I think it looks cool, but also kinda childish. Oh well. I like colors. I have to go already. It's my sister's 16th Birthday Party going on. Adios.

Thursday, March 17


This is another nothing post. Someone tell me what to read. I want to review something.

Time for a list of shout-outs.

1) Nai: Thank you so much for my fantastic new blog header! I love it so much, and re-designed my blog to match it.

2) Japan: My heart goes out to all of the people that have been effected by the terrible earthquake and tsunami. I can't imagine what the people are going through. I wish I could do something to help.

3) My Piano Teacher: I want to thank you for being a great, supportive, down to business teacher who helped me prepare for my competition.

4) The Winner: An Upper-classman at my school won the competition I mentioned above. Congratulations.

5) My Parents: For always being very supportive and helping me in my times of emotional need. I now am more confident in myself and realize who I want to be. I know what kind of a person I want to be seen as, thanks to you.

That was a little mix of good jobs, get well soons, and thank yous. I hope that I got something worthwhile written. Bye guys.

Wednesday, March 16

Drowning in a Wordless World

Somebody, please give me a book to review. I can't think of one. I would review To Kill a Mocking Bird, but I haven't finished it yet. I do like it, but I can't find the time to finish it. I know it sounds stupid that I want a new book to read, but I haven't finished the one I've been on since early February. Still, I want a new book, so comment if you can. If you're too scared to, relax, keep calm, and have a cupcake.

I think I need to self-reflect to people who don't know me. It's kinda fun, though. Strangers can be very insightful. That's a pretty cool proverb. I came up with it just now. That makes me proud.

I think my personality has become more annoying than ever before. According to one of my friends, I am extremely motherly, and it's gotten to be really irritating. I subconsciously correct people all of the time, and I try to make them behave and am all like, "Keep your voice down" "Don't do that" "Stop being such a jerk" "Don't use that kind of language." Maybe I am being too pushy, but the thing is, I think it's a lot easier to get along with others when we are all being respectful. 

Let me back up a little. 

Tonight I had 5Star, and my groups two coaches were gone today, so according to the mastermind in charge of 5Star at my school, we were coaching ourselves. It was going okay. Some people wanted to be leaders, some wanted to be followers. We had a Battle of the Sexes, guys versus girls. It was going okay, though it was a little too crazy for my taste. When we got to phase three, the trivia, my friend wanted them to ask questions about her favorite band. She was calling to the head coach asking about it while we were preparing to start, and as politely as someone like me could be, I asked her, "Please don't shout." She then proceeded to say I was too motherly and that it was starting to get on her nerves. 

I don't think she said anything wrong. It kinda makes sense. I really shouldn't be so pushy or, all up in everybody's business, should I? You people be the judges. I can't do it without being selfish, which is what we're trying avoid right now at 5Star. I hopefully am five star. In the first season of this year, I won an award. I don't think I ever blogged about that. I won the Respect award. I have it in my room right at this very moment. It still makes me so happy to see that I'm actually acknowledged. I kinda miss the days where everything was so care-free. I wish the Piper would lead me to reason. But I know I can't buy a Stairway to Heaven. I love that song. 

Man, I was hoping that this post was going to be long, but that's better that I expected. I'm very happy now. I have all the reasons in the world to be. No reason to whine that there isn't a single guy at my school who has any sort of feelings for me, unlike my friends. My two friends (who are also cousins) have guys they like, and guys that love them. A LOT. I'm not even kidding. One of my friends, a guy-buddy of mine goes up to her every morning, and say, "I love you." I think he seriously means it. He sure does dream about her and her time traveling parallel. In math class, the kid just started staring off into space, like he was infatuated with Aphrodite. He might be.

I wish I weren't so selfish. I mean, compared to some people at my school, or even on my bus, I'm the nicest person in the world. Yet still, I feel lonely when I end up sitting by myself, and think, "I shouldn't be ignored like this," but maybe I should. If I'm so up in your business, maybe I should just keep to myself and not bother anyone because it's clear I'm good at that. 

Am I being to critical of myself? Am I using the word "myself" too much? Should I incorporate more humor into this blog? I should end up answering these questions in about ten years. At most, hopefully. I just want to be happy in the end. That would be wonderful.

One more question. Should I change this blog design? I've had it for a while now, and it's getting a little old. I'll figure it out eventually. Later.

Tuesday, March 15

Hey Batta Batta... OH FOR THE LOVE OF CRAP!!!


Sorry, but I was watching Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Abridged, and they played that stupid song over and over and OVER AGAIN!!! I'm so bored, that I have nothing else to say...

I am so bored. So SO BORED. At least I have to go to school soon. I just want to get that song out of my head.

Toolshed. Bye guys.

Monday, March 14

I'm Not Sure if it Was "Canny" or "Corny"

Yes, this is a nothing important post. No reviews today, I'm afraid.

Yesterday, I was working with a couple of my friends to fill boxes to the brim with canned, bagged, unprepared, and any other type of food you can imagine (Our record box had 83 cans!). It took a group of five teenagers three hours to load all of them into mountains of boxes. My friend's dad went out twice to get us boxes to use. At first, we sorted them by type of food in the can, like veggies, fruits, soups, but then we got really lazy, and we just had cans, bags, boxes, etc. What else could we do? It took forever to finish packing all of those boxes, and then guy came by eight more cans. Seriously dude? Twice, the boxes of a whole lot of cans fell through the bottom, and we had to use masking tape on the bottom of the box to keep it shut. It turned out really well, and I got three service hours for National Junior Honor Society. I need to get seven total this year, so that's a really good start. 

After the traumatizing experience of loading canned corn in bags (It was really CORNY!!! ... Sorry.), my friend's dad, whose house we were working at, took the five man band out to dinner. We went to Bob Evan's, a restaurant I hadn't been to in a while, and waited an hour to get our food. And poor Zombieman13's waffle was smashed. A sad fate. I ate a corner of it. It was still delicious. Even though it looked kinda dead. And that was the conclusion of our day. I would tell you how many cans we packed, but I really have no idea. We added the numbers up three times, and got different stuff every time. 912, 10,48 and 2,662 were our very different estimates. When I did it, I used an app on the iPhone I borrowed from my friend. Yeah, I'm not used to touch screens. So in the end, I blame technology. 

I had my STEM skills conference on Saturday, and it was more fun than last year. My first session was a Biochemistry class. We tested pouring different liquids into diced potatoes, and seeing how they reacted. The water and vinegar did nothing, but the peroxide made bubbles. It turns out, an enzyme called CATALASE caused the peroxide to separate into water and oxygen gas. It was pretty cool.

Next was my favorite, Anatomy. I loved our instructor. She was really funny, a good teacher, and had an entertaining accent. This class was all about dissection. Last year it was kidneys. This year it was brains. It was really cool! I may sound creepy, but it was amazing to see inside a brain. It belonged to a sheep. Formerly named Bob. According to my partner, that is.

Next class was Surgery. I liked this one a lot. We had three different stations. One for stitching, where we stitched a banana that got in an accident. Two, for watching a video of a new type of surgery being done. And three, for simulating using a tool to reach around inside someone's body when doing surgery while looking at a screen to see what you are doing. I really liked the video, but I can't go into detail on a blog because it was rather Health room-ish. Sorry. I just don't think guys would be comfortable reading something like that.

Last, I had Nursing, which was pretty cool. We learned how to check someone's pulse, and feel a heartbeat. As well as use a stethoscope for listening to breathing. It was neat. 

And before I knew it, the day was over. I got to see my friend from my old town who went to the conference, so that made me even happier. 

And if you're wondering why I'm not at school, I have a dentist appointment today. I'll be here for a while. I'm done now.

Sunday, March 13

Finding the Right Words

Have a Little Faith By Mitch Albom

This is a true story written in the perspective of the author.

Mitch is an old member of his hometown suburban synagogue. After not attending the temple for anything but yearly holidays, he returns to give a speech. But in truth, that is not the important thing. The true event is a favor asked of Mitch by his Rabbi, "Will you give my eulogy?" It is a strange request to ask of someone that wasn't exactly active in the New Jersey Jewish community. The Reb was about 82 years old, but clever enough to ask someone who would be dedicated to doing something, but most importantly, someone who will always be there until the end. So over the next decade, Mitch finds himself making the commute from Detroit to the New Jersey suburb, in an attempt to learn about the Reb as a person, not just a man of God.

The perspective switches from the author's to third person.

I listened to this on tape in the car on my trip, and I really loved listening to the author's soothing voice and the meaningful collection of words he had created. I think that I can't find anything wrong with this book to critique it on. Just a fair warning, there is a lot of talk about religion, but even if you aren't comfortable with that, it isn't lecturing you, it's just simple discussion. I think that most of this book is very good, and there are parts that just warm your heart beyond it's usual capacity because it's so sweet and beautiful. Sounds pretty good, right?

Friday, March 11

Hours of Listening

So, my mom and I are going on a little road trip to Indianapolis, Indiana this weekend. I have a conference sort of thing at a prestigious sort of private school. It focuses on the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) skills that are very resourceful in modern situations and jobs. It'll be just my mom and I in the car, but my friend from my old town will be at the conference as well. The car ride itself will take around three hours, so mom rented a book on tape of a book by Mitch Albom called Have a Little Faith. I'd seen it in stores before, and it seemed interesting, but I never got to read it. I'm pretty happy 'cause it sounds amazing. The tape is five hours, and round trip is six hours, so it's a perfect fit.

I'm really sad about the earthquake in Japan. It looks really scary.

I have to leave pretty soon, so I'll write my review of the book later. Bye.

Thursday, March 10

Non-Review Post

Here's where the crap comes in.

I hit 700 page views on this thing called a blog. I'm pretty happy about that, though my blogging hasn't slowed down, and I've been getting less and less every day. Maybe I should go back to just writing random crap. That's what I had before, and it was alright.

I want to get off-topic for a brief moment to say, I hope that Nai Pace's new post was a joke. Nai, if you are still living, comment on this post. I know it sounds odd, but it kinda scares me. Sorry.

Now I lost my train of thought... Sorry. I can't think of a book to review today, so I'll just end with...

Go Nigahiga!!!

Wednesday, March 9

Soldiers of the Forest

The Warriors Series By Erin Hunter

The Warriors books are divided into four different sections of six books. The sections themselves are known as Prophecies
I'll just review the first prophecy.

Rusty is a young cat, about six months of age, owned by his Towlegs, who take care of him, feed him, and love him. Even though Rusty has all of this comfort in his life, he has been extremely curious of the woods. Other cats, older and wiser cats, have told him stories of wild forest cats that catch food to live, and have terrible battles. Despite all of the tales of fear and terror, Rusty takes a step into the wild, and finds the rumors to be all too true.

The Warriors series is in third person limited. The first book of the first prophecy is called Into the Wild

Warriors is really a good series, in almost every way. There is action, adventure, animals, even a little bit of romance mixed in. The books, unfortunately, have an abundance of violence written in great detail. There is a lot of character depth, and contact with the dead (in a sense). I really don't have a lot to say about Warriors, for a reason I can't understand, just read the books. Please.

Tuesday, March 8

The Eternal Love

The Twilight Saga- By Stephenie Meyer

Twilight is the story of Bella Swan. A girl raised in Arizona by her mom, newly transported to Forks, Washington. Bella's parents split up when she was at a young age, so she decided to live with her father for a while in the state of gray skies and cold weather. When Bella starts her junior year of high school, there is a group of students that set her off in a way that she can't understand entirely. The combined families, Cullens and Hales. The five beautiful juniors in high school seem to be the only people in their social circle. Bella, being naturally curious, wants to find the secret behind the mysterious Edward, Emmet, and Alice Cullen, and Rosalie and Jasper Hale. Bella has good instincts, and can tell that something is going on behind their distant behavior.

The Twilight Saga books are each very long, between 498 and 856 pages each. They're in first person point of view.

The Twilight books are pretty well written. The story is extremely romantic, and there are some pretty mature parts in the books. I think that the story is a bit of a Romeo Juliet sort of thing. Forbidden love. The series has become extremely popular after the movies came out. The books in the series are, in order, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn. You might want to be cautious of the last book because of lots of mature content. In the movies, there are lots of shirtless guys.

Monday, March 7

Why Capitol, Why?

The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins

I haven't read this book in a while, but I still want to review it because it rocks. This'll have to be quick, though.

On a large continent, formerly known as North America, there is a region of twelve districts, one abandoned district, and the all-powerful government called the Capitol. The members of the Capitol are doing their best to control the citizens of the districts by having an annual contest of life or death, called The Hunger Games. This is a pretty serious game, here. There is only one winner, and there are no runner-ups. They will all be dead.

In the terrible conditions of district twelve, lives Katniss Everdeen, a headstrong teenager that does her best to support her one little sister and mother. In an unfortunate twist of fate, Katniss has to participate in the Games. Now, Katniss is unwillingly trying to protect her life in the cruel example of power amongst the Capitol.

The book is in first person.

I love this book series with all of my heart and soul and face. There are two other books in the series called Catching Fire and Mockingjay. Read them.

Threads of Magic (Review #1)

Gathering Blue   By Lois Lowry

This is the story of the Village, a community of harsh rules and governed lives. Kira recently became an orphan, and has to somehow find a way to live in the village on her own, being too young to work, and having a crippled leg. With few friends and family, the girl has almost no hope of continuing on. Then, one day, an amazing opportunity presents itself. Kira can live. She is now hanging on to her life in the Village by the talent she developed at a young age. Sewing. She is the most talented seamstress in the Village. And with that talent, Kira will work in the main building in her village restoring the sacred robe.

Still, Kira fells a sense of unrest. There is something strange in her new home that opens the doors to a terrible secret.

Gathering Blue is an easier book to read, with only about 200 pages. The book is in Third Person Limited point of view.

Truthfully, I read this book in fifth grade, and I'm loving re-reading it now. I stayed up until midnight reading the first half of the book again, embracing the writing style in every page turn. It usually wouldn't take one long to read this book because it is relatively short. It is the companion book to The Giver, also written by Lois Lowry. The two books combine in the final chapter of the story in Messenger. 

Sunday, March 6


So, who likes my new blog design??? Huh? Anybody? I didn't think so. I don't either. Actually, I do, I just don't think it's ME enough. I know that's self-centered, but it's true.

So, I think I've only gotten one new page view on my blog, and I'm already getting discouraged. I know, it's stupid, but true. I gave up blogging for ONE DAY! I can't put my mind to doing or stopping something that has no point! I'm so glad I've made a vow to never smoke. I'd never be able to quit.

I did it. I found the true issue here. I don't have a point in blogging. What should I have as a point? 
I can make a list to keep my mind busy.

Blog Idea List

Homework Stuff-- If I did that, put the answers to homework on here, my school would be pretty mad.

Book Reviews-- That might be pretty cool. I could read one book a week, or so, and blog my review on it. But then, I might need to get rid of my extra pages.

Music-- I do play two instruments. Plus I listen to my MP3 daily, and listen to music when I'm going to sleep.

Tropes-- Actually, that's the stupidest thing I ever thought of. What, I go to www.tvtropes.org and every new trope I find, I blog about it? I'd be posting seventeen times a day. At least.

Nothing-- I could stick to what I have. Blogging every day for no apparent reason. Complaining 'bout not knowing what to blog about. It seems a little too... Boring.

I got it. I'm bored. This is the weirdest thing since Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged. My mood goes with the Haruhi Suzumiya books I'm reading. I'm reading Boredom, and I'm bored. This is just a little too odd. And you know what, when I read Melancholy again, I'll be kinda melancholy for no reason. I have to blog about something that I'm not bored about. I'm leaning towards either music or book reviews. They both seem pretty fun, compared to being bored out of my mind.

 Music seems to be the best choice, I just don't know how to write it without sounding stupid. I could do something like my weekly crap column that went down the drain. I could take one band, list some of their songs and song lyrics, and write about the band background. At the end of the post, I could put a little of myself in there. Talk about how much I like the band, or just one song. I might give some info like, the songs swear a lot, or their songs were featured in a movie. The only thing is, I don't know it'll enough fun.

On the other hand, with Book Reviews, I can say how much I like the book, give the general plot, and talk about the author. It would be kinda like my Rant pages. I could have character backgrounds, along with plot, pictures, and all different kinds of stuff. I would be able to put a bit more of myself in there, but the posts would become few and far between. Still, that would give me time to other things outside of blogging. I think that wins, for now. 

So, I guess I'm changing my blog to a blog on Book Reviews. I'm thinking I can keep the title, but I guess the design will have to be changed up again. I really do like reading, so I think this will be good. Hey, I could also have BLOG REVIEWS!!! I am smart sometimes. Okay, with everything going on, I need to change my blog entirely, and get started on another book. Bye.

Saturday, March 5

Y'know What? Forget It...

That's IT. I'm done. I'm gonna keep blogging. I'm WAY to bored right now, and I don't feel like creating a Closed Space.

For those of you who didn't read my last post, I said I was gonna take a break from blogging. Well, I change my mind. I've stuck to blogging for about a month and a half. I'm not ready to give up. I feel like I can't keep my mind off of blogging, and thinking, "I need to blog. This is stupid." Tell me if you don't want me blogging, then I'll just create a Time Loop that seems to have no end:). Because I'm Haruhi freaking Suzumiya. I enjoy threatening to abuse my power as the main character of a series.

I'm getting a little bored of this blog design, so I'm gonna fix it up a little bit. Tell me if you like it.

I think the main reason I stopped blogging (or rather, WANTED to stop blogging), was that I wasn't getting very many page views. I've gotten really great publicity on this blog. I'm happy, so I shouldn't keep changing my mind 'bout it. I'm at a good stage in the process, so I really shouldn't ask for much more, accept I think it'd be cool if some random person I didn't know commented.

I think this is more fun when I talk about random crap like that, so I think this is how it should be.

Well, for the sake of my parents, I have to take a shower. See ya.

Friday, March 4

La Di Da

My blogging has slowed down. I've gotten about ten page views in the last five days. Not to good for my standard. I guess I'm to blame for that as well. I just don't have any ideas.

Arial. Is fantastic.

I'm thinking of taking a temporary break from blogging. I can't think of anything to blog about, and I have to prepare for a piano competition on March 11. I'm kinda nervous, so I need to get more practice in, so I'll see you, probably next weekend some time.

-Cami Errant

When I Find Myself in Times of Trouble

Congratulate me. Post number sixty.

Despite the fact I feel your excitement flowing from my Net Book, I'm just go on calmly. Sixty posts is kinda impressive for the fact I've been writing for only about a month and a half.

I can never find much to write about in the mornings. 

One thing is, I'm reading The Boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya, the third book in the series, and Kyon just returned from three years in the past. And seeing Mikuru (slightly older) in a mini-skirt. Why did he see Future Mikuru in the past? Ask the writing staff. I don't get it either. Actually, I do, since I saw the three hour movie.

I had a Youth Symphony concert last night, and was really nervous to play my solo. I have my little four measure solo in Pavane, my favorite song. It sounded really good. I'd practiced that part most, and it went well, so I'm really happy.

Well, I have to go. There's that thing called school. Bye. 

Wednesday, March 2

El Post

How I love Arial. The only thing I don't get is, why Blogger Spell Check says it isn't a real word. Epic  Pouting Manouver.

I was E-Mailing my friend, and the most talked about and dreaded subject amongst the female gender came up.


Boys, men, dudes, males, whatever you want to call those things. No offense.

So, here comes a relationship rant. Otherwise known as:

Gender Rant II: Relationships and Stuff

I never actually got the whole "Going out" thing. When I started sixth grade, I was all like, "I wish I could have a boyfriend!" But now, I see no reason to have one. A whole lot of kids at my school are saying that they have boyfriends, or are going out with so-and-so, but I don't think they mean anything by it. It's just saying that you've adjusted your social status to match the person you're going out with. But, really. Where will you go? As a student that's not able to drive yet, you don't have many options. Another odd thing that people do is, they trade sweatshirts. As friends, or as going out. I don't see the point in it. I might trade/let someone borrow my hoodie if they were cold, or didn't have a coat. 

That was a little off-topic.

Another thing I don't get is how when we're five, we think that boys have cooties, and then when we're fourteen, we think guys are hot. The whole hormone thing kinda flew past me in Health. I know how it works, but I don't really like the effects. Maybe it's me not being as mature as I thought I could be. I don't think that guys have cooties, I just think they're annoying as heck. Even now, there are girls who think guys are gross (I hate that word. Gross.), and still whisper to each other in class, "I like ________" "But I thought he was mean to you." "He was, but now he's cool." And that's just what happens. 

Another observation I've made, is that girls go out with guys to make the guy they like jealous, and vice versa. That's kinda like a conspiracy, in a way, but not so bad that you would go to jail. I just think it's really shallow. I mean, really. After you lied about liking this one guy and going out with him, why would someone want to go out with you? It seems really stupid. But I digress.

That's just how it works in school, unfortunately. I wish it didn't, though. But I guess it'll have to do.

Tuesday, March 1

Distraction in Another Tab

Yes. I'm watching/listening to Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged episode 25, the best episode. 

Friendship is the best thing ever! Don't you agree?

Now we're at the arcade!
I know.

Watching people dance is almost as fun as watching people play card games!

How I love spoofs of Disney songs and The Bamboozled Celtic Guardian. My older sister is in the card club at her high school across the street from my middle school. Tomorrow (Wednesday), I'm going to card club to play a children's card game. I know that it seems immature to be playing a game with ridiculous rules, but it gets annoying to keep losing against my older sister. I'm thinking that I have a 1% chance of beating someone at club, so I'm pretty excited. Apparently, my sister's friends are excited that I'm going to be there so they can meet me, and for others, they just want to play a card game. Oh well. I guess it'll just have to work.

Wow, I'm really disappointed that I couldn't think of anything else to blog about. Sorry.